Thursday, May 22, 2014

Six Year Blogaversary Contests Day THREE at BITTENBTBOOKS

Hi everybody!
Welcome to day THREE of the blogaversary contests. Each day we will have a different set of prizes for you to enter to win. We have a featured prize of the day then bundles of prizes and then swag bags STUFFED full of goodies for each round of prizes. All prizes are open to international readers unless noted somewhere on the post. Enter using the giveaway tools widget at the bottom of the post. There are EIGHT prize packs for today. PLEASE SHARE this post using the social media icons at the bottom of the page or anyway you see fit. Sharing really helps out the authors!
Today’s Major Prizes Are:
Major Prize 1:
The first major prize for today is a Kindle, 6″ E Ink Display from the incredibly talented Tj O’Connor! If you haven’t picked up a copy of his fantastic book Dying to Know, you should run, not walk to do so!
Connect with Tj O’Connor
Kindle, 6" E Ink Display, Wi-Fi - Includes Special Offers (Black)

Major Prize 2:
The second major prize today includes a signed FULL set of the Wild About Youseries from author Vicki Lewis Thompson PLUS a $35.00 Barnes & Noble gift card (this is an actual physical gift card that will be mailed with the books). The books included are:
Werewolf in ManhattanWerewolf in North Woods
Werewolf in Seattle
Werewolf in DenverWerewolf in Alaska 
Werewolf in Las Vegas
Connect with Vicki Lewis Thompson

Prize Pack 1
Prize pack one contains the following items: Signed copies of the following books; USA version of The Vampire Shrink, the UK version of Blood Therapy and the UK version of Crimson Psyche and a pen by author Lynda Hilburn, a $10.00 Amazon gift card from author Missy Jane and swag,  a signed copy of Dying to Know by Tj O’Connor with a bookmark, a signed copy of Professor Whiskerton Presents Steampunk ABC by Lisa Falkenstern, and an ebook set (four books) of the Maurin Kincaid series by Rachel Rawlings, and general swag. One winner gets all the items in this prize package.
Connect with Lynda Hilburn
Connect with Missy Jane
Connect with Rachel Rawlings
Connect with Tj O’Connor
Connect with Lisa Falkenstern
Prize Pack 2
Prize pack two contains the following items: Signed copies of; Of Beast and Beauty, a signed copy of Romeo Redeemed, a signed copy of Blood on the Bayou, a signed copy of Damage by Anya Parrish and a Of Beast and Beauty necklace from author Stacey Jay, a signed copy of Through the Oracle’s Mist, Signed Book Bag and swag from author Aedan Byrnes, Signed copies of the Storm Sullivan Saga, Ryder on the StormLight My FireWhiskey, Mystics & MenLove Her MadlyEnd of the Night and swag from author Violet Patterson. And general swag. One winner gets all the items in this prize package.
Connect with Stacey Jay
photo (6)
Connect with Aedan Byrnes
Connect with Violet Patterson
Prize pack 3
Prize pack three contains the following items: A signed copy of of Immortal Cowboy and a fancy Snowberry Creek bookmark from Alexis Morgan, signed copies of The Heart of War,  A God is Born,  Rising SonWomen of War along with a coffee mug and t-shirt from author Lisa Beth Darling, one signed copy each ofBetween and Wakeworld with bookmarks from author Kerry Schafer, signed copies of Forgive My FinsFins Are Forever, and Just For Fins with bookmarks from author Tera Lynn Childs and general swag. One winner gets all the items in this prize package.
Connect with Alexis Morgan
Connect with Lisa Beth Darling
Connect with Kerry Schafer
Connect with Tera Lynn Childs
And last but not least THREE HUGE bags courtesy of the Hallow Read convention stuffed with author swag and goodies.
Connect with the Hallow Read Convention


  1. I love all the contests and reading your book reviews.

  2. book reviews, and contest. thank you :)

  3. i would like to win prize pack 3. thanks

  4. book revies and contest. would like to win Prize#3 Thank you :)

  5. I always enjoy good reviews and I love to enter contests.


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