Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Killer Zombie Pack Contest: Win a Book, Sign and More at BITTENBYBOOKS!

“In a post-zombie world, life is what you make it . . .
Since a devastating, morphing plague swept through human and zombie populations, almost everyone who survived is an “ex” these days. Ex-human. Ex-zombie. Both creatures crave flesh, have the strength and speed of predators—and are seemingly immortal. Pierced skin and broken bones mend, but their all-consuming hunger never dies . . .
Amy is the only purely human survivor from her town: a frail. For a girl used to going it alone, trusting anyone isn’t easy, but Amy will have to. She has secrets from her past she can’t afford to face by herself, and secrets in her future that will cost her just about everything—including her humanity . .”
Read the first chapter of Frail by clicking here (pdf format)
Books in the Resurgam Trilogy in the order they should be read:

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