Saturday, March 29, 2014

Author Mahalia Levey Release Party and $40.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

“Born of a Navajo healer and a high-level prince of Hell, Fatal is forced to return to her mother’s tribe to study their healing arts, away from demon hands. But, with her tutelage comes cruel segregation and disrespect. When her life suddenly comes under demon attack, she’s cast away from the only home she knows. Exiled, Fatal sets out armed with her knowledge and fighting skills to annihilate any threat against her.
Oracle by birth, Prince Orobus rules as his Leige commands, until intel comes his way providing him with images of his mate’s participation at a seedy club, well known for it’s sexual domination fight pit. Incensed, he’s thrust in the fight of his life—to claim his woman. Come Hell or high water, he will take care of what is rightfully his, even if it means making her face both sides of her heritage and teaching her there is no shame.”

Prize 1: $20.00 Amazon Gift Card
Prize 2: $10.00 Amazon Gift Card
Prize 3: 2 each $5.00 Amazon Gift Cards
Prize 4: Envelope of Swag


  1. a definite 'add' to my Wish List!!!

    will this be a series???? if so, how far do you hope it will continue!!

    good luck & congrats!!!

  2. my favorite paranormal tv show or movie is BOTH the Harry Potter series & the Lord of the Rings series..........

  3. just 3 books?? I guess 3 of the fattest books, probably books in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon........

  4. my best book read in 2013 is World Without End by Ken Follett......


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