Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Author Heather Long Release Party and $45.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE at BITTENBYBOOKS

“Meet Jason Kane. The third son, the secretive one, the keeper of lies—he’s driven by personal demons he can’t outrun. A man on a mission, he wants what he can never have. Threats overshadow everything they are trying to build… Jason’s always been the outsider, the one with dreams and aspirations to leave Dorado. Rising from the ashes is bittersweet, but he keeps his grief private. His enemies know where he is and his family wishes he was gone, so he throws himself into building the town they love even as his heart remains decimated. She left to pursue a dream and returns to a nightmare. Olivia Stark grew up in Dorado, the town darling despite the severe handicap of blindness. When Jed Kane offered to pay for her admission and expenses at a special school for the blind back east, her parents sent her away. The four years gone from Dorado were a struggle, but nothing can compare to returning home to find everyone—everything—she knew in ashes. Conspiracy, controversy, and craving block him at every turn. When Olivia arrives in the half-built town, Jason’s world turns upside down. Her grief rends his soul, but he rejects her lest anyone discover what she means to him. Desperate to send her away, he’s not prepared for her steadfast refusal. Olivia’s waited for Jason most of her life and she won’t leave him now. His desire. Her determination. Their destiny.”

“Pepper Kirk lives for the moment. Diagnosed with an incurable disease, she set out to see the world and found a place—and remission—at the Arcana Royale. For once, life is perfect. Until a federal agent appears, determined to catch the casino in corruption.
Owing her very existence to the magic that sustains her, Pepper reluctantly agrees to seduce the handsome agent and sabotage his surveillance, though she’s not sure how a woman without a dishonest bone in her body will make it work.
Finn Mickelson’s investigation into a crime family is only a smokescreen to keep his real targets off balance. Nothing will keep this witchborn from digging into the secrets of the Royale—not even a Southern belle with honeyed tones and a sweet smile.
He quickly sees through her ruse, yet he finds himself falling under the spell of her porcelain doll beauty, even wanting to help her. But for love to take hold, they’ll have to play the house in a game that’s stacked against them…or lose their lives.”
 Books in the Fevered Hearts series in the order they should be read:

Books in the Soulgirls series in the order they should be read:


Prize 1: $20.00 Amazon Gift Card

Prize 2: $10.00 Amazon Gift Card
Prize 3: 3 each $5.00 Amazon Gift Cards
Prize 4: 5 copies of Into the Spotlight (eReaders only, PDF only)
 book one of the Soul Girls series
Prize 5: 5 copies of Marshal of Hel Dorado (eReaders only, PDF only)
 book one of the Fevered Hearts series.


  1. Congratulations.Will there
    be more Jason Kane stories after this one?

  2. Congratulations. Will there be
    any more Jason Kane stories after this one?

  3. Congratulations. Will there
    be anymore Jason Kane stories after this one?

  4. A showdown between the two might
    end in a draw. Haven't read either series,but if they both have
    strong determined women, it'll be a draw.

    And How many books will there be in each series?


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