Thursday, March 20, 2014

Author Alexander S. Brown Release Party and Amazon Gift Card Contest at BITTENBYBOOKS

From the fiery abyss of the underworld comes 20 hellish tales from the south and southwest. Within these charred pages are stories that will introduce you to the many demons that stay hidden but are always nearby…
20 authors provide stories of possessed people, objects, houses, highways, and the devil’s favorite playground – the forest.
Dare to meet Deidless, a demon who is a buyer of souls. Discover what kind of demons men can summon. Read of battles between good and evil. Learn of ancient artifacts and stones that crave sacrifice. Finally, become acquainted with legions of evil.
Again, we invite you, sit back, dim the lights, and prepare yourself to meet the devils in the darkness.”

Prize: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card

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