Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Author Chris Marie Green Release Party and Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE at BITTENBYBOOKS!

“You know the theory that ghosts are energy trapped when someone dies violently? It’s true. I know it for a fact….
My name is Jensen Murphy, and thirty years ago, I was just an ordinary California girl. I had friends, family, a guy who might have been the One. Ordinary—until I became a statistic, one of the unsolved murders of the year. Afterward, I didn’t go anywhere in pursuit of any bright light—I stayed under the oak tree where my body was found, and relived my death over and over. So when a psychic named Amanda Lee Minter pulled me out of that loop into the real world, I was very grateful.
Now I’m a ghost-at-large—rescued by Amanda (I found out) to be a supernatural snoop. I’m helping her uncover a killer (not mine—she promises me we’ll get to that), which should be easy for a spirit. Except that I’ve found out that even ghosts have enemies, human—and otherwise…”
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide!

First Prize: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card

Second Prize: 6 of Chis’ signed backlist books

Third Prize: 4 of Chris’ signed backlist books

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