Thursday, November 14, 2013

Author Seressia Glass Character Interview and Egyptian Prize Pack Contest LIVE at BittenByBooks!

Despite an end to two thousand years of conflict with the Daughters of Isis, jackal shifter Hector still distrusts the witches. But he cannot deny his growing hunger for Rana, a beautiful and gentle priestess who soothes his anger and awakens his passions as no other ever has.
As a healer, Rana is working tirelessly to find a way to protect the jackals from a deadly curse—and restore the honor of her bloodline. As a woman, she cannot resist surrendering to her desire for Hector, the powerful and virile second in command. But when her secret is revealed, will their new bond be strong enough to survive the truth?

Books in the Sons of Anubis series in the order they should be read:
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers WORLDWIDE (except where noted)
Grand Prize: Egyptian Prize Pack (US ONLY)
Prize 2: Ebook copies of books 1 and 2 of her series Seducing the Jackal andHunting the Jackal.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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