Thursday, May 2, 2013

Author Cate Masters Release Party and $25.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE at Bitten By Books!

Bruno diCesare lives alone by necessity, not choice. An experiment performed by Leonardo da Vinci, who believed having a dual DNA would grant a person immortality, used magic to render Bruno a chimera—the head of a lion, body of a dragon. The only time he can mingle with people is during Carnevale, ten glorious days of masked anonymity, frivolity, and intimacy.

Melina Weaver learned fire dancing to enliven her dull existence. Her long hours at the lab leave no time for a social life. For ten days at Carnevale, she can pretend to be someone else. Someone sexy and daring, who lives on the edge.

Once she meets Bruno, her wish comes true, but everything goes terribly wrong. Beneath Bruno’s costume lurks an alpha male, but is he dangerous? Worse, can she return to an employer who sells her research to the military to make an army of efficient killers? Her only hope may lie with the man she’s just met but has never seen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the concept of Cursed. Oh, and I love the cover too. Very hot.
    How did you come up with the story idea?
    Is Cursed a single title or part of a series?


  2. I love an Alpha male.I enjoy reading about a guy with a take charge attitude and one who goes after what he wants. He also needs to have a vulnerable side.


  3. Oh yes, and the more tortured the better. It says he has lots of issues to overcome and needs the right woman to love him.


  4. I love a strong heroine who is independant and confident, and strong willed. I'm not sure about the nerdy part, though. :)


  5. This sounds amazing. Did you come up with the cover?


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