Friday, January 18, 2013

Author Selah Janel Interview and $20.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest LIVE at BittenByBooks

What kind of a rock star lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere and plays at weddings and funerals? Then Jack Scratch comes into his life, ready to represent him and launch him to stardom. Jack can give him everything: a new band, a new name, a new life, a new look, and new boots…although they aren’t exactly new. They once belonged to The One, a rocker so legendary and so mysterious that it’s urban legend that he used black magic to gain success. But what does Jeremiah care about urban legend? And it’s probably just coincidence that the shoes make him dance better than anyone, even if it doesn’t always feel like he’s controlling his movements. It’s no big deal that he plunges into a world of excess and decadence as soon as he puts the shoes on his feet, right?
But what happens when they refuse to come off?


  1. This sounds like a not-too-scary scary book! Yikes! Can't imagine how awful it would be to have shoes that wouldn't come off your feet!

  2. I see a lot of your posts are about giveaways on Bitten By Books, are you one of their reviewers by any chance? :)



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