Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Reads Giveaway Hop

Summer Reads Giveaway Hop 
July 6th to 11th


I Am A Reader Not A Writer
As I really didn't think about the timing on this hop
when I signed up,
(my daughter is getting married Saturday)
simply tell me  your favorite place 
to pile up and read in the Summer or 
your favorite Summer read so far this year.

Winner gets your choice of

 Click HERE for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop. At this time there is over 200 great blogs to visit and enter their giveaway! This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!
Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting Rafflecopter to come up,
generally refreshing the page will fix it.
Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like to curl up out in the yard in the shade and read - or at the beach!


  2. Thought I comment to let you know the rafflecopter is stating that the contest is closed already with only 3 entries. Hope all is well!


  3. The rafflecopter is saying the contest is closed :(

  4. Is it normal that the form is already closed? i thought we had until the 11th.

    all the best


  5. New follower, didn't know the contest is over for you. I am in same hop, mine is up till the 11th. Ohwell, I still am following, come by if you like. mine is still open. (did you know your rafflecopter says closed??)

  6. I think the contest closed before it opened by the looks of things.

  7. My favorite read so far is Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson. Congratulations on your daughter;s wedding! Thanks!

  8. Love sitting on my front porch with my book and a glass of sweet tea or curling up on my couch if its too hot or rainy out

  9. I love to curl up in bed and read as long as I can!

  10. I think i would go for Second Grave on the Left

  11. My best summer read so far has been Chasing Magic by Stacia Kane. Fun nice fluffy summer read, I recommend Spying in High Heels by Gemma Halliday.

  12. I like to cuddle an AC unit in my house and read a book whilst sipping iced tea.

    thank you for the giveaway!

  13. My favorite place is always the front porch swing, but it's been a bit too hot this summer!

  14. Congrats on your daughter's wedding!
    My favorite read this summer was Sin Undone from Damonica series :)
    thanks for giveaway!!

  15. I love to read in my bed.

  16. I love to read in a chaise lounge by the pool. Or if it gets too hot, leaning up against the side of the pool. My favorites so far are Half-Blood and Pure by Jennifer L'Armentrout.

  17. In the living room with the a/c on.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  18. I like to sit out on the deck and read.
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  19. If it's not a million degrees like it has been lately, I would read on my porch. If it IS a solar inferno, then I will read on my couch inside.

    Favorite read so far this summer is Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers.

    Congrats on your daughter's wedding!

  20. I love laying back in my hammock in the year and reading my latest book.

  21. I love to lay on my swing in my sun room! Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. In the summer, it depends. If the heat is stifling (like now) I curl up on the basement couch. If the heat is doable, I'm outside in my lawn chair in the shade.

    Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

    Good luck with the wedding!

  23. My favorite book so far this summer has been Blood Legacy by Marianne Morea.

  24. my fave place to read still in my room with company of my cats...:)
    my fave book so far is the goddes test by aimee carter :)

    thx u so much...

  25. My favorite read so far is Wife 22!
    Love curling up in the hammock & having a read-a-thon in the late afternoon breeze!

  26. I like to sit in my chair, in my shady garden, have a iced tea and read.

  27. I love sitting on my porch in the evenings with a glass of iced tea or iced coffee and an excellent book or two ;)

  28. I love sitting on the deck in the evenings with an excellent book or laying under a shade tree. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  29. Well as long as it's cold I can curl up anywhere and be comfortable. Usually I lay in my bed or read on my PC. As for favorite book so far this summer, it's more of a favorite series and it's Dark-hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

  30. My favorite place is curled up on the couch with a cup of hot tea and the next great read. I've had more than one favorite book so far this year...lets see...there's Immortal Rules, Divergent, Insurgent, Blood Possession etc...
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    DeAnna Schultz

  31. Love to sit outside in a lawn chair and read, as long as there aren't too many mosquitoes! Mostly, I read in bed.

  32. I like to read on the back porch (a poor man's version of a veranda). My favorite read so far this summer was Alma Katsu's The Taker.

  33. Any place where my kids can't find me

  34. My bed into the weee hours of the morning ;)

  35. My favorite place to read in the summer is the couch in my bedroom. It is too hot to go outside So I snuggle on my couch with a cup of tea and Pandora playing softly in the background...

  36. I like to read next to the pool.

  37. I love to read by the swimming pool in the summer. Soaking up the sun rays and enjoying a good book... Nothing better.

  38. Either on a lounge chair poolside or in the air condition on a couch!

  39. I love to sit in the hammock under the sun and relax while reading

  40. I love reading in my room with the T.V. on low :)

  41. Well, it's 110 degrees outside, so I'm stuck inside for the summer. ATM, I'm on my love-seat.


  42. I like to read in my bed with my cat curled up next to me and the AC on!

  43. in the garden laying in the grass :)

  44. I like to sit on the couch with the fan in my face. Lil we don't have a/c

  45. I love to read in bed any time of the year.

  46. I live in FL, so the only place I want to read in the summer is somewhere inside that is air conditioned!

  47. I like to lay on my bed and just enjoy a good book :)
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  48. I love to read while in bed!

  49. curl up in bed with lots of pillows

  50. My favorite place to read is in bed.


  51. Congratulations on your daughter's wedding!! My favorite place to read in the summer is by the water - whether that's at the beach or near a lake. I love to have the breeze and the sound of waves/water lapping. However, as hot as it's been down in NC this summer, I'm more than happy to sprawl on my couch instead!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  52. I have a comfy cotton hammock in the back yard that I LOVE to spend afternoons reading in.

  53. this summer, it's been beside the pool while the boys swim

  54. My favorite place to read is on the back porch so I get some sun! lol

  55. It's generally too hot here in the south for me to get outside to read... so I like to curl up in my chaise lounge in the cool part of the house with a tall glass of iced tea.

  56. I like to curl up on my bed and read books.

  57. My favorite place is my comfy chair in the living room :)

  58. I have a lounger section of my couch & it's right next to a low window - so cosy for reading.
    sallan d at yahoo dot com


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