Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A thing « Jay Kristoff – Literary Giant

A thing « Jay Kristoff – Literary Giant

You stand to win:
  • A signed ARC of STORMDANCER. Perfect for propping up wobbly tables, lighting fires in cold winter months, and squashing small, scuttling insectoid lifeforms.
  • A signed copy of THE LITTLE STORMDANCER. This was a picture book I did for my UK editor when she had her first baby. It’s like an MG version of Stormdancer, with far less death and sex. It also has a happy ending. People think it’s cute. You may too. There’s only, like, 20 in the entire world.
  • A PDF of a short story I wrote in the Stormdancer world, called PRAYING FOR RAIN, which is going to be bonus content for the e-book version of the book. As it stands, only about ten people on the entire planet have read this thing so far. You’ll be one of the first people to read it, EVER.
Competition closes at the end of June. Go forth!

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