Thursday, May 24, 2012

Masters of the Veil BookBlast -$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Life can't get much better for Sam Lock. Popular, good-looking, and with a future as a professional football player. every guy at Stanton High School wishes he were Sam. That is, until his championship football game, when Sam accidentally links with an ancient source of energy known as the Veil and reveals his potential to become a powerful sorcerer. Sam is whisked off to Atlas Crown, a community of sorcerers who utilize the Veil as a part of everyday life. Once there, he trains beside a mute boy who speaks through music, an eternal sage who's the eyes and ears of the Veil, and a beautiful girl who's pretty sure Sam's an idiot. As it becomes clear Sam's meant for power magic-the most feared and misunderstood form of sorcery-people beyond Atlas Crown learn of his dangerous potential. An exiled group of power sorcerers are eager to recruit Sam, believing that he is destined to help them achieve their long-held goal. If they succeed, they could bring about the downfall of not only Atlas Crown. but all humankind.

About this author

Daniel A. Cohen was just your average business student. Microeconomics, finance, marketing… you name it, he had to do a PowerPoint presentation on it. One dark and stormy night, he was bitten by the radioactive realization that memorizing business jargon could possibly be the most boring activity known to man.

After gaining eagle-eye vision, abs that could grate cheese, and a talent for imagining things (including his cheese-grating abs), he wrote his first novel and began his epic battle against the formidable business jargon. He continues to fight the good fight by playing saxophone and writing YA fantasy, forever hoping his Veil trilogy will help inspire others to join his cause.

Interview with Daniel Cohen

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I graduated with a degree in business management but I’m trying my best not to use it. Obviously I love writing, but really I just love books in general.

What inspired you to write about magic and sorcerers?

Harry Potter.
And others.
But mostly Harry Potter.

Like most everyone else, I am obsessed with Rowling’s work. Growing up, I was always the same age as Harry’s crew and I felt a special bond to him and his world. I knew I could never create something as world shattering at J.K. did, but I knew in the very least that I wanted my work to be in the same genre. I’ve also found out by trial and error that choosing to write about magic and sorcery is choosing to be free and chained at the same time. You can create anything you want, but you have to follow your own rules or the story doesn’t work. This genre can be unbelievably liberating and mind-bogglingly frustrating at the same time.

What do you do when you’re not writing?

Rock saxophone. I’ve been playing tenor saxophone for about fifteen years now, but I still have a lot to learn. I actually just moved to Austin, TX (the live music capital of the world) to try my hand at the music scene. Turns out that everyone here is amazing so it’s going to be rough.

Who is your favorite character from your book and why?

My favorite character is a young sorcerer named Glissandro Thicket. He’s a lanky, curly-haired sorcerer on the brink of adulthood. He was born without the ability to talk, but he somehow found a way to speak through playing music on his horn.

He’s based on a type of person that I feel like happens all too often. He’s talented, has a kind heart, plenty of wisdom, but because of certain life circumstances, he’s shy and lacks the self-esteem to shine as bright as he could.
If you were to go live on an island and could only choose 5 books to take with you, what would you choose?

·         The Name of the Wind
·         The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
·         The Giver
·         The Alchemist
·         How to Build A Boat Using Nothing But Island Materials

If Masters of the Veil were made into a movie, who do you picture starring in it?

It’s funny that you should ask. I did a piece over at Fiktshun where I cast the main characters. You should check it out:

There’s even photos!

"Masters of the Veil is a fun, fresh fantasy that delivers an intriguing story and fantastic world-building, and is a great first volume in what is sure to be an excellent trilogy."
-Aeicha @ Word Spelunking

"I absolutely adored Masters of the Veil. It is a unique and creative read in today's sometimes overwhelming YA market. Daniel is taking JK Rowling's lead and putting a whole new twist on fantasy."
-Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

THREE WORDS: Original & Great World-Building
Daniel Cohen’s Masters of the Veil is an enjoyable YA Fantasy with captivating world-building and original fantasy elements.

The world-building and lore of this story are absolutely first-class. 
Reading Lark 

Giveaway Details

Author Daniel Cohen is offering one lucky person a 

$100 Gift Card.
Last day to enter is May 31st

Leave a comment on this post for an extra entry on the 
Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for posting, Lisa!

    I really appreciate the support!


  2. i enjoyed the excerpt and learning more about this author

    thanks for the awesome giveaway

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  3. I loved the excerpt and the premise sounds incredible:)

  4. Thanks for posting. This sounds like a great read.

  5. Daniel A. Cohen is new author for me.
    I really enjoying rtead the excerpts, and would love to add this book to my tbr list.


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