Thursday, May 31, 2012

Frequent Traveller BookBlast- $50 Gift Card + 10 $5 Gift Cards

Step into Cathy Dixon's World
Amazon gift card giveaway

May 31st to June 9th 

From the blue oceans of Antigua to the bustling streets of Vietnam, the racing adrenaline at the Green Hell, the devastating natural disaster in Japan and the stunning architecture in Germany, Cathy Dixon finds herself in a whirlwind of fine dining, plush clothes and sheer extravagance. 

But is perfection a mask for untold disaster? What is Cathy's secret and how will her world change when the world knows? Will her secrets ever catch up with her or will Cathy continue to sail alongside perfection in the world she has created for herself as a Frequent Traveller? 

In conjunction, with the launch of MoonStar Luxury's new website (, we invite you to step into Cathy Dixon's world where more goodies, surprises and a little mystery awaits. 

Frequent Traveller, the first book in the Cathy Dixon series will be free from 31 May to 4 June 2012. (Amazon link
Giveaway Details
11 winners

Grand prize 1 x $50 voucher
10 x $5 vouchers

To tweet once -  I'm exploring Cathy Dixon's new spot on the web.
 #FrequentTraveller #Books #LitChat #Kindle #CathyDixon

To like Facebook page - Peace from Pieces

Frequent Traveller, the first book in the Cathy Dixon series will be free from Day 1 to Day 5 

Giveaway Details
You must live in the US or have an account to redeem your giftcard.

International best-selling author, Pandora Poikilos has been writing for more than 10 years for various media which include newspapers, radio, television and various websites.
A social media enthusiast who is passionate about blogging and finding her way around the virtual world, she wills away time in the real world by reading, writing and people watching.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. I like books where the hero(ine) travels a lot.
    Love her hat on the cover:)


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