Friday, April 27, 2012

Terri Clark -Hollyweird

Dear friends and colleagues ~ It has been four years since my debut release, Sleepless, which makes me especially happy to announce my newest young adult novel, Hollyweird. It's a romantic comedy inspired by my love of the TV show Supernatural and Ellen Degeneres' old phone call to God sketch. I had a complete blast taking a tongue-in-cheek poke at Hollywood and I hope the story will make you laugh.
I hear tell that Hollyweird is starting to be seen in the wild! So please check your local or online bookstore. And if you’re a fellow librarian, please consider ordering it for your YA collection.
Here's a little bit about the book:
Aly King is about to fall for the fallen
My best friend, Des, and I totally freaked when we won the contest to meet THE Dakota Danvers in Hollywood. But now we're finding out he's SO not the angel everyone believes him to be. In fact, Dakota is the son of Satan, wreaking havoc on Hollywood and creating an evil army hellbent on world domination.

Lucky for us, Dakota's super-cute personal assistant, Jameson, is a fallen angel trying to get his wings back, and he's working undercover to squash his demon boss's plan. If Jameson hadn’t taken me under his wing I’d be in serious trouble, because I’m a total newb when it comes to conquering evil. But, truth be told, that sexy angel's got me all aflutter and may just be one temptation I can't resist.
“Hollyweird is one of the most entertaining books I have ever read. I laughed throughout the whole book- and the hysterical one-liners kept me thoroughly entertained…Hollyweird is the next hot teen read that everyone will be talking about.” ~Tween Tribune
I'd be so appreciative if you'd help spread the word, especially to any teens or young adults you know.
I could not do this without all the support from family, friends and colleagues so I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is a sweet, funny book and I wrote it during a difficult, painful time—I had just come out of a five year remission with my Sarcoidosis, but I wouldn’t let that stop me from achieving my dream. The book is actually dedicated to those affected by this disease. It's my little way of trying to raise awareness. And now I’m going to work on getting a new contract. Make that contractS!
Never give up, never give in. Or as I like to say from my all-time favorite movie, “Goonies, never say die!”
Terri Clark (forever a Goonie)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your book. I tweeted about it so maybe the word will get out a little more.


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