Tuesday, April 24, 2012

From Sherry Thomas- One Week Until Beguiling the Beauty

Dear Friends,

I was at a neighborhood barbecue Sunday afternoon. Even though the gathering was under a big oak tree, the guests were perspiring rather freely. We are about to say goodbye to spring and gird ourselves for the beginning of the long Texas summer. I hope the temperature where you are is more to your liking!

In other news, where has time gone? I've been so busy finishing on deadline, I look up and the release day of BEGUILING THE BEAUTY is almost here. This is such a fun, fast-paced story, I can't wait to share it with you.

When the Duke of Lexington meets the mysterious Baroness von Seidlitz-Hardenberg aboard a transatlantic ocean liner, he is fascinated. She is exactly what he has been searching for—a beautiful woman who interests and entices him. He falls hard and fast—and soon proposes marriage.

And then she disappears without a trace…

For in reality, the “baroness” is Venetia Easterbrook—a proper young widow who had her own vengeful reasons for instigating an affair with the duke. But the plan has backfired. Venetia has fallen in love with the man she despised—and there’s no telling what might happen when she is finally unmasked…

Library Journal has given the book a starred review and raves that it is "tender, discerning, lushly romantic." The Romance Dish gushes, "Complex, compelling characters, an unusual and emotionally powerful plot, and prose with the range and beauty of music—what more can a reader ask for?"

You can preorder BEGUILING THE BEAUTY at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Google Books, Powell's Books and IndieBound.

Kristan Higgins, one of my favorite authors, has a new book out this week. And Kristan is going to do something wonderful: She will donate a portion of the first week's proceeds toward SAVE THE CHILDREN.

Even better, a lovely individual has offered to match Kristan's donations dollar for dollar. So let's all pitch in, give Kristan some stellar sales, and make this fundraiser for SAVE THE CHILDREN a roaring success.

You can buy SOMEBODY TO LOVE at Amazon, B&N, IndieBound, and Books A Million.

In other news, I am going to be the keynote speaker at Connecticut Fiction Fest on May 12. There will be tons of good workshops, including mine on Subtext, for writers. And for readers, there will be a signing open to the public. Come and say hi if you are in the area.

And is that not a ravishing cover for the second book of the Fitzhugh trilogy, RAVISHING THE HEIRESS? I love this book. I think it is one of the best stories I've ever written. So keep an eye out for Millie and Fitz's story when you read BEGUILING THE BEAUTY.

And woot, my backlist is still on sale at $3.99. (And for my overseas readers who have been frustrated that my ebooks are not available for purchase, I will soon make them available.)

HIS AT NIGHT Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Google | Sony

NOT QUITE A HUSBAND Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Google | Sony

DELICIOUS Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Google | Sony

PRIVATE ARRANGEMENTS Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Google | Sony

May your shelves always overflow with great reads,



  1. Yes! I'm dying to get my hands on this one too. It feels like it's been forever since Sherry Thomas published something, and this one just sounds delish!

  2. With all the historicals I have read, I am surprised that I have not read any by Sherry Thomas. They do sound good though so I will have to read them.


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