Wednesday, March 7, 2012


What's your WELLLL- WE'RE WAITING book for this week?

Title: As Dead As It Gets

Author: Katie Alender

Genre: YA Paranormal
Hardback: 352 pages 
Publisher: Hyperion Books Ch (Mar 15, 2012

ISBN-10: 1423134729

It's been three months since Alexis helplessly witnessed Lydia Small's violent death, and all she wants is for her life to return to normal. 
But normal people don’t see decaying bodies haunting photographs. Normal people don’t have to deal with regular intrusions from Lydia’s angry ghost, sometimes escalating to terrifying attacks. 
At first, it seems that Lydia wants revenge on Alexis alone. But a girl from school disappears one night, and Alexis spots one of Lydia’s signature yellow roses lying on the girl’s dresser the next day. Soon, it becomes clear that several of Alexis’s friends are in danger, and that she's the only person who can save them. But as she tries to intervene, Alexis realizes that her enemy is a much more powerful ghost than she's ever faced before... and that its fate is tied to hers in ways she couldn't possibly imagine. 
Not even in her worst nightmares. 

Title: The Shifting Price of Prey

Author: Suzanne McLeod

Genre:  Paranormal Romance
Paperback: 352 pages 
Publisher:  Gollancz (Mar 15, 2012

ISBN-10: 0575098376

Genny's life has never been busier: the summer solstice is approaching, magic is going haywire, is under inexperienced new management, and London is hosting this year's Carnival Fantastique. Then a unicorn is found horribly mutilated in Regent's Park, garden fairies start dying out of season, and an eminent wildlife activist and her young son are snatched from a Conservation Conference. Searching for answers takes Genny and her friends, Tavish the kelpie and the super-sexy vampire Malik al-Khan, deep into magical London to the decadent and dangerous Forum Mirabilis, the secret, bloody heart of the Carnival Fantastique. And it's not long before Genny and her friends are under attack from a millennium-old adversary as they fight to save both the victims and themselves ...


  1. Whaaaaaat I didn't know there was going to be ANOTHER book from Kate Alender!! Now I need to read the first two LOL!

  2. This one looks really good!!

  3. Great picks! The first one sound really creepy and the second one sounds exciting!
    My WOW


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