Thursday, January 12, 2012


Amanda Hocking Contest

My Winner for the Amanda Hocking book "SWITCHED" is latishajean whose email begins with  tishajean@...

When asked--"If you found out you were a changeling and had a special power, what would your special  power be?"
Her answer-"I would have to say flying that would be the best! I would love it because you get somewhere super fast!
Thanks for the great giveaway! I would love to read this book sounds so good!"

Winner is Cathy Mac...whose email begins with caity_mack@...
 who picked Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison as her favorite book of 2011.
I'll be contacting you by email for the gift card info.


Winner is Cean from Singapore who wants "Jessica Rules The Dark Side".
Cean has a blog called Oh! Dear Life where she she blogs about books and life. Be sure and check it out and congratulate her.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the winners! I love the picture of Ren and Stimpy!



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