Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Storm Born Graphic Novel Vol 1: or Storm Born (print)

Both worthy of a 5* review!

Eugenie Markham never asked for any of this. Until now, she’s been content with her job as a freelance shaman, battling and banishing Otherworldly creatures.
When a prophecy suddenly makes her the Otherworld’s most popular bachelorette, Eugenie finds herself fighting off unwanted supernatural suitors, as well as the evils that begin emerging from her past…
Eugenie Markham has spent the majority of her young life sending supernatural creatures back to their natural, magical habitat. Eugenie’s work day consists of the usual banishments and exorcisms, carried out with her trusty wand and with the help of protective, magic-infused tattoos. But something strange is happening to Eugenie and the creatures she banishes . . . her name is being bandied about and dangerous fae spirits are making untoward sexual advances. Something is going on with the Sidhe, and Eugenie is somehow in the middle of it all. . .

Published by: Sea Lion Books
Written by: Richelle Mead & Grant Alter
Art by: Dave Hamann
Coloured by: Nelson Cosention De Oliveira
Lettered by: Dave Lanphear
Cover Art: A- Jennyson Rosero; B- Dave Hamann

Dark Swan’ is the new graphic novel serial
 from Sea Lion Books, based on the series 
by urban fantasy author Richelle Mead.
I was lucky enough to get the chance to review Richelle Mead's DARK SWAN only days after reading the print  book.  I’ll admit, I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. I’ve always considered graphic novels to be only a step above a comic book ( sorry, hanging my head shamefully). I never realized that they could add so much to a story.
Really, though, I want the whole story, every single paragraph, word,  letter and punctuation mark. What reader doesn’t? Seriously, I never would have picked this up on my own. Well, slap me stupid! Boy was I in for a surprise. While I already had a mental picture of most of the characters (what reader doesn’t) in my head. I didn’t find a character at all in the GN that felt out of sync. The colors are bright and distinct while the characters were amazingly active for pictures. I’ve always enjoyed Mead’s vivid action scenes and thought this series would make an excellent movie.  Artist Dave Hamann brought these scenes alive with brilliant colors.
I’ve got to admit that I’m not real sure how much I would have enjoyed the GN if I hadn’t just read the book but the storyline was pretty much intact or will be with the addition of the next volume. While I think these graphic novels are a wonderful addition to the series, I just can’t imagine them replacing the books.  It would be a bit like seeing all the Harry Potter movies without cracking a book, and yeah, I know that are some people that do just that (shaking my head in disbelief).
While I’m more of a paranormal romance reader than an urban fantasy reader, this series manages to combine the romance with the kick-ass, take no prisoners makeup of the main character. I love the snarky mouth on Eugenie and the way she interacts with Kiyo, a very sexy shapeshifter, and Dorian, the Fairy King. Her three sidekicks also added greatly to the snarky humor in the book. I also greatly enjoyed the fact that I did not pick up on who the bad guy was till it was right in front of me. That alone adds an extra star to my review.
Luckily, I have the rest of the series in my TBR pile so bring it on guys!

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