Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rafflecopter Launch Party Giveaway: Win an IPad or A Kindle Fire

Happy New Year from Rafflecopter HQ! To start 2012, you’ll have a chance at winning an iPad2 or one of two Kindle Fires in what they're calling the ‘Rafflecopter Launch Party Giveaway’!

Say ‘Hi’ To Rafflecopter

Rafflecopter makes the whole process of running giveaways on your blog really, really easy. Over 80,000 giveaways have been created with Rafflecopter, and if you didn’t know yet, there’s a new version in town! Oh yeah, it’s free. If you haven’t used Rafflecopter, sign up and launch a giveaway in the matter of minutes.
I've been using Rafflecopter and it is so easy. I can't imagine trying to organize all the info needed to select a winner. Want a chance at an IPad or Kindle Fire? Enter here and tell them I sent you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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