Thursday, December 8, 2011



Co-hosted by Tristi at Tristi Pinkston Blogspot  and 

To celebrate the most awesome 
time of the year, 
FALL- we had a giveaway hop!
And my winner was #21
Christine A.
whose e-mail begins with 
She answered this question
Tell me what your most favorite thing about Fall is.
"My favorite part of fall is the leaves changing color and the crisp smell of the leaves."
She has been sent me her choice of Lori Handeland's books, it has been mailed! Congrats Christine!
The Book Lover's Holiday Giveaway Hop 
ran from Dec. 2nd to 6th. 
Thanks to Alyson from Kid Lit Frenzy and 
Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer for co-hosting.
My winner for my 
Book Lover's Holiday Blog Hop was # 78
Jolene whose email begins with 
answered this question:
What 1 book would YOU like to receive for Christmas?
"I am dying to read Shatter Me!!!!! As for the choices above I would love Unchained"

She has been sent an email and as as soon as I hear from her,
her book will be mailed.
I had to choose 4 winners before Jolene's name came up as one of the requirements was to be a GFC follower and leave a comment on the post.
Turn out for this giveaway was way done as I had an error message showing up when you tried to log in. It has been taken care of so there should be no problem with the Gift Card Giveaway Hop.
Good luck and everyone be sure and visit all your favorite blogs as there will be oodles of gift cards given away in the next few days.

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