Saturday, January 14, 2012

January Giveaways Elsewhere on the Blogesphere

Amaterasu Reads: Interview w/ T.M. Goeglein + Cold Fury Giveaway!: Hi everyone! Today I have one awesome (I mean it! He's all sorts of awesome~) debut author T.M. Goeglein, who saved Tin and I from a l...

Rita's World: Transcendent Giveaway: *drumroll* *trumpet fanfare* *shouts from a cheering crowd* Robot Playground Inc is happy to announce the Great and Marvelous Transcende...

Bitten by Books » Author Alix Rickloff Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway 1/5 – RSVP...
CONTEST INFO:  Open to readers worldwide!
PrizeA $50.00 electronic gift card to Amazon
RSVP here and get 25 entries to the prize portion of the contest when you show up on the day of the event. If you don’t show up and mention your RSVP AND ask a question, your points won’t be entered into the contest.
Be SURE to TWEET and FACEBOOK this link: so your friends can RSVP too.

Mimi Valentine: ABF Giveaway #6: Fall Favourites!: Don't you just love autumn? :)

Signed Copy of Awakening by Karice Bolton
Enter To Win A Signed Copy Of Awakening by Karice Bolton

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