Monday, October 17, 2011

WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT!" for 'My Life Undecided' by Jessica Brody Giveaway

My winner was number 
35, Tiffany D. @ jaidahsmommy@...
She blogs at
who answered this question--
"If you were a fifteen year old today, would YOU put your fate and decision making  in the hands of blog readers? Why or why not?"
Her answer---
"Definitely not! I want to make my own decisions 
based on my own research and I wouldn't want to 
be stuck doing something stupid just because I let someone 
else make my decisions for me."

Take a minute and 
check her blog out and 
congratulate her on her fabulous win!
Tiffany, I've sent you an email. 
The book is coming direct from the 
publishers. Enjoy!
Thanks to all who entered. Don't forget!
 COMING SOON to over 400 blogs 
Runs Oct 24-31 at blogs near you

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