Saturday, November 26, 2011

NOVEMBER Giveaways Elsewhere on the Blogesphere

Book Brats Reviews: 200 Followers Appreciation Giveaway!: All my wonderful followers, you might have noticed that I got to 200 followers this week. Without you guys, I would be nowhere. I'm so exci...
BookHounds...YA: GIVE@WAY Monster High Series by Lisi Harrison *SIG...:  Description Book 1 Series: Monster High | Publication Date: September 5, 2011 From Lisi Harrison, the New York Times bestselling autho...

Pure Imagination: Lauren Oliver's Liesl & Po Holiday Giveaway: Do you remember how much I loved Liesl & Po ? I really, really did! So, I am happy to announce a massive SPIRIT OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON GIV...

**LC's Adventures in Libraryland**: LC's 1,000 Follower Giveaway!: Guess what time it is!!! Yes, my lovely darlings, I have reached the Big 1,000 and I want to say a big "thank you" to each and every one o...
 3 Packages, with 3 books each, will be given away.
A Great Book Is The Cheapest Vacation: 2nd Ann. Halloween Extravaganza! Character Intervi...: Character Interview & Giveaway with Lucifer... yup, you heard right- The Devil himself! From Misty Evans novels.  Welcome Luc, or should ...
Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf: One Year Blogoversary Countdown GIVEAWAY! (Interna...: Hello everyone! I am so excited to share with you all that November 28th it will be my  One Year Blogoversary! *SQUEE!* I have receive...

My Cute Bookshelf: 500 Followers Giveaway!: I've recently reached 500 followers on the blog and to celebrate this, I have decided to host a giveaway! 2 lucky winners will get a book...

Stuck in YA Books: BIG Giveaway Surprise: Since I didn't have a 500 + follower giveaway I will be doing it somewhat now. I have been secretly planning this. So instead it will be a S...
The Qwillery: Interview with Rochelle Staab and Giveaway - Novem...: Please welcome Rochelle Staab to The Qwillery as part of the 2011 Debut Author Challenge interviews. Rochelle's debut, Who Do, Voodoo? is p...
The Qwillery: Interview with Anita Clenney and Giveaway - Novemb...: Anita Clenney first visited The Qwillery as part of the 2011 Debut Author Challenge and now returns as both a New York Times and USA Today B...
The Qwillery: Interview with Natalie J. Damschroder and Giveaway...: Please welcome Natalie J. Damschroder to The Qwillery. TQ :  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk? Natalie :  Hmmm,...

The Qwillery: Interview with Hannah Jayne and Giveaway - Novembe...: Please welcome Hannah Jayne to The Qwillery for a second visit. Hannah previously visited as part of the 2011 Debut Author Challenge. Under ...
Three Boys and an Old lady: V.C. Andrews Returns with Family Storms and Cloudb...: I have been a fan of V.C. Andrews books for over half of my life.  I remember cringing in fear as I read my mother's copy of Flowers in the ...
ENDS 11/25
Trisha's Book Blog: HUGE Giveaway!!: I haven't had a giveaway on my blog in a really long time. There were books sitting on my shelf that I know I will not read anytime soon, so...
A Great Book Is The Cheapest Vacation: 2nd Annual Halloween Extravaganza! My Life As a Wh...: Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a ghooooooooooold month! Since I'm reading Diana Rowland's newes release, My Life as a White Trash Z...
A Great Book Is The Cheapest Vacation: 2nd Ann. Halloween Extravaganza! Interview & Givea...: Welcome back Allison! Thanks for stopping by! Thanks for having me! :D Are you excited for Halloween? What's your plans? I don't ha...
 Water for Elephants Giveaway 
One Social Media Junkie reader will win the Water for Elephants DVD Bundle & Novel 
Open to US & Canada (No P.O. Boxes) Ends November  18th 12:01 am est.
Stuck In Books: Destined by Jessie Harrell & GIVEAWAY: So before I start the review, I have to tell you that I have a character interview coming up for this book as part of the official blog tou...
TheBabaSling has generously offered a giveaway for one Social Media Junkie reader to win a Baby Carrier in the color of their choice. 
Open Worldwide Ends November 18 12:01am est.

Dazzling Reads: YA Autumn Giveaway!: Because this Autumn is full of beyond-awesome releases and because Autumn is my favorite season of the year.
Ends 11/30
Awareness month. . First there is a tumble...
ENDS 11/18
Giveaway: Hooked by Catherine Greenman 
Ends Nov 14 US residents only

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