Sunday, November 6, 2011

GIVEAWAY: "Destined" by PC & Kristin Cast


By PC and 
Kristin Cast 
Release: 11-25-11 
Pages: 336
Format: Hardback
ISBN 0312650256

In Destined, the forces of Light and Dark collide as their epic struggle focuses on Tulsa's House of Night. Zoey is home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side and preparing to face off against Neferet. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, he and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together if Rephaim can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow. But is Zoey really safe? Does she truly know those who are closest to her? And will love win when it is tested by the very soul of Darkness? Find out whats destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series

Read an Excerpt Warning: It's addictive.
Check out interviews, videos and scheduled events featuring the authors of the House of Night Series - P.C. and Kristin Cast. Learn what inspires this mother- daughter team to write this amazing series HERE.

 This is probably THE series that kicked off my love of YA paranormal. I love it. I have my daughter-in-law who is a law student and doesn't have time to read anything fun, hooked on it too. This is THE series that she begs for the next book or any info on when it's coming out. 

The wonderful people at  Zeitghost Media and St Martin's Press have a copy available to one Lucky Winner. Check out Zoey's tats on this new book trailer and tell me what you think.

If you have yet to start this series
 or need an awesome  Christmas
                                    gift for a YA in your family or 
just want a set for yourself, 
Amazon has the first four in 
the set available at an amazing 
price. Check it out here.

Experience the Power and Phenomenon of House and Night! Are you one of the 12 million 
to experience it?

Answer this question here as a comment
 and go to Rafflecopter to leave the 
rest of your info and for extra entries.
Are you one of the 12 million who have
 embraced this fabulous series,
 if so what was your favorite book so far?
If a newbie, tell me why you want to read this fabulous series.
Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting Rafflecopter to come up, 
generally refreshing the page will fix it.

Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!
 Publisher will ship the book directly to the winner. 
US or Canadian mailing address only. 
Must follow on GFC and answer question. Winner 
chosen at random by Rafflecopter.


  1. I would have to say that my favorite book out of all of them so far in this series cant pick. I love them all!!!! And thanks for the giveaway! I have wanted to read destined for awhile now. :)

  2. I love this series! I don't know that I can really pick one that is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I love house of night want to know whats next in this book thank you for the great giveaway!

  4. My favorite was Marked- loved how it all started

  5. Hmmm... To pick a favorite, that is a hard one I love this seried so much. I would have to say Hunted, but it's really hard to just pick one!
    Thank you so much for doing this giveaway!!

  6. I have not read this series yet but I plan to. The tattoo's are awesome and the cover is so good, I would have picked it up in a bookstore just to take a closer look at that cover.

  7. I have had this series on my wishlist since I first heard about it. Every where I go I hear/read nothing but amazing things about it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some of it at Christmas this year.

  8. I think my favorite of the series is Hunted. It is when things changed and Zoey started to see Stark in a new light. I like Eric but Zoey belongs with Stark.

    truebloodfan AT rock DOT com

  9. i have yet to read any of the books in this series, but i have some of the books in my TBR pile!!!

    i can't wait to read them!!!!

    thank you for this giveaway!!!

  10. Yes!My favorite was the very first book Marked because it drew me in and kept me wanting more!


  11. i bought this series two summers ago and quickly devoured the ones that were out. I am eagerly anticipating any new books. This is a great series!

  12. I LOVE House of Night!!! I have no favorite of the books I have absolutely LOVED everyone of them.

  13. I love this series! I think my favorite book is Untamed. The plot really starts to get more complex toward the end of Chosen, which is where Untamed picks up!!!Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Marked was my favorite book in the House of Night series because I love beginnings. Being introduced to a whole new world is an awesome experience every time. Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. My favorite book is a tie between Betrayed and Tempted. I love all the Heath moments. *wink, wink*

  16. I have never read this series but I MUST read it now. I am always on the hunt for books like these. I would love to win this book. If I do, I will have to go and catch up on the other books. Thanks~~Sheila

  17. I read the series and it's one of my first YA and vamp series I've read. It's dear to my heart. I guess my favorite book is Marked.

    itwasalie at gmail dot com

  18. I love the series! :D My favorite is the first book because it started it all.

  19. I have read all the books. Not sure which is my fav, probably the first.

    jennifer k.

  20. I am already a huge fan of these books!!!Butttt, I most definitely can NOT choose one favorite!!! They are all so amazing!!!!

  21. I have loved this series a lot.
    Great giveaway.
    ~ Cassandra Ruiz

  22. I love this series.
    My favorite is Chosen.
    ~ Cassandra Ruiz

  23. My favorite was the first. It got me totally hooked on the YA Paranormal genre and set the standard by which I measure new YAPs by.

  24. I loved them all, this is one of my fav series

  25. I am a newbie to this series, but I would love to read it as I really like fantasy/paranormal stories.

  26. I actually have the first four books in the series, but have yet to begin the first one. My TBR pile keeps growing, but hopefully one day soon I will start the series. I've heard such great things about them, so I really want to enter the HON's world.

  27. I love stark so any of the books that have him in it. The series keeps getting better and better. it got off to a shaky start but then it really took off.

    Thanks for stopping by my review of deadly cool. Let me know what you think of it. :)

  28. I just orderd the first 6 books in the series and am anxiously awaiting for them to arrive in my mailbox. I've heard great things about this series and I cannot wait to get started!!!

  29. can't await to read this one. thanks for the giveaway.

  30. I've read a few and loved them! I'd love to win this!


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