Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DREAM- Online Book Giveaways

Dream is an online book giveaway site. For an opportunity to get a free book, all you need to do is share your interest in the book on Twitter. Our algorithm randomly picks winners who then receive the hard copy of the book via snail mail. Here is what you need to do to enter into a giveaway:
  • Register an account on the site
  • Select the book you are interested in reading
  • Share your interest in the book through a tweet
  • That’s it!
They keep track of all those who tweet about the book. Only those that tweet will be entered into the giveaway. Dream is a cool way to share your interests in books and get rewarded for it.
Check it out HERE!
These are some of the books available now--

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of this website but it sounds great! I'm gonna go give it a shot. Thanks for the heads up!


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