Monday, September 12, 2011

WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT! Alexandra Adornetto's "HADES" Giveaway!

Title: Hades1
Author:Alexandra Adornetto
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Hardback: 432 pages
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends (Aug 30, 2011)
ISBN-10: 0312656270

“Even the love of her boyfriend, Xavier Woods, and her archangel siblings, Gabriel and Ivy, can't keep the angel Bethany Church from being tricked into a motorcycle ride that ends up in Hell. There, Jake Thorn bargains for Beth's release back to Earth. But what he asks of her will destroy her, and quite possibly her loved ones as well. Can he be trusted in this wager? And what does Jake have Xavier believing about Beth's fate that may result in an act of betrayal that will leave Bethany - and readers - wondering if Xav is so good after all?”
The winner of the Alexandra Adornetto “HADES” contest is # 111---brendajean.
When asked What would you do to save your true love?? She said
“I'd do anything that wouldn't hurt him or anyone innocent.”
All winners are now chosen by Rafflecopter.
Thanks to all who visited  and commented.
Be sure and watch for the BANNED BOOK WEEK BLOG HOP GIVEAWAY that starts September 21 – October 1 for your  chance at a $10 Gift Certificate from Lisa’sLovesBooksOfCourse.
I also have two other contests going on at this time. One for a copy of
Ends 9/17/11
and a chance at a new upcoming book
Ends 10/16

Thanks to Tara from Zeitghost Media and 

If you haven't gotten your copy yet 
check out this sample chapter to see what you're missing.

Read a sample chapter from Hades. [PDF]

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