Thursday, September 29, 2011


ENDS 9/30

Rabid Reads: 1 Year Blogoversary Giveaway! (4): Don't forget to enter my other Giveaway's from earlier this week! Drink Deep by Chloe Neill Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur A Werewo...
ENDS 10/4

The Qwillery: Interview with Blake Charlton and Giveaway - Septe...: Please welcome Blake Charlton to The Qwillery. TQ :  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk? Blake :  If a passage i...
The Qwillery: Interview with Nancy Holzner and Giveaway - Septem...: Please welcome Nancy Holzner to The Qwillery. TQ :  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk? Nancy :  I'm not terribl...
The Qwillery: Interview with Rosalie Lario and Giveaway - Septe...: Please welcome Rosalie Lario to The Qwillery. TQ :  What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk? Rosalie :  I can only ...

Rabid Reads: 1 Year Blogoversary Giveaway!: Time flies when you're having fun! Wow! I can't believe that I've been blogging about books for a full year! I launched my new template ...Over the next 5 days I'll be counting down to the big day by offering up a daily Giveaway!
ENDS 10/4

ENDS 10/18
BrendaWallace: Kindle Giveaway Contest for Brilliant Prey E-book ...:   No Purchase Necessary On October 8, 2011, I will randomly draw the winner of the Kindle, Wi-Fi, Graphite,...
ENDS 10/8

ChicnSavvy Reviews: WIN a Copy of the Movie The Shunning: Before she succumbs to cancer, the dying wish of Laura Mayfield-Bennett is to be reunited with the daughter she never knew. Unfortuna...
ENDS 9/30

Review and Giveaway for Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen

An Author Incognito: Slayers Countdown/ Fame, Glory, and Other Things O...: Hey, blog friends. It's time to count down the days until Slayers is released. Don't you just love singing all the Slayers carols? Here's ...

Sept 27, 2011

JL Bryan's Book-Related Blog: Win the first copy of Alexander Death!: After talking with my editor, I'll have to set the release date for Alexander Death , the final book in The Paranormals trilogy, at Friday...
Giveaway Ends 9/25/11

Stories of my life: 100 Followers Giveaway:   So Stories of my life is close to reaching that magic number and I'm ecstatic. You are an amazing bunch and I would love to celebrate th...

Gilbert & Gomez: Of a 100 Follower Giveaway: So faithful followers, we (Gilbert & Gomez) have decided that it's about darn time that we had a giveaway. YAY, WOO, YEAH! We figure that ...
Ends 9/30/11 

Starcrossed: Seers Blog Tour - Review and Giveaway!: We were very excited to be a part of this tour!  As you may already know, the Seers Blog Tour was the very first one we've ever participated...
Ends 9/22/11

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