Wednesday, September 21, 2011

OMG! OMG! Moment

As you can tell, I've been reading quite a bit of the new CBS magazine "WATCH". I've shared a few here but have been immersed in the "Classic TV" section. I was reading an article on Pee Wee Herman and all of a sudden a light bulb came on and I was going OMG! OMG!. Do you remember this character?
Cowboy Curtis

To read the whole article and see if you recognized him click on the link above.

OMG! OMG! Again!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Laurence Fishburn as Cowboy Curtis. I adored Pee Wee Herman as a kid. Me and my brother used to race to the tv to watch this show. Remember the word of the day and everybody having to scream! But I think I loved the Pee Wee movies best of all. I still get a kick out of big top Pee Wee.


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