Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Burton's Book Review Interview Day!

I was asked to do an interview at Burton Book Review so I thought I would also share this with my followers. You can go to their site and check out other new bloggers  here .

I'm Lisa from Lisa's Loves Books Of Course (http://lisaslovesbooksofcourse.blogspot.com/). I started blogging about 18 months ago. It was more an exercise to keep my reviews in one place rather than on dozens of sites on the net. I had semi-retired about 4 years earlier and was reading non-stop.
 I'd always read and often had two or three books going at any time. One in every vehicle I drove, one at work and one at home. I found myself buying books that sounded awesome, reading them half way through and realizing that I'd already read them. Awug! So I thought putting them in one place, my blog, would solve this problem. 
Unfortunately, I enjoyed reading others blogs looking for that next great series so much, that though I was still reading a lot, I wasn't getting my reviews written on a timely basis. This is something I constantly struggle with. 
I love to read Paranormals, historicals, some sci-fi, suspense, thrillers, YA's, and about anything that has some romance in it. My reviews are as eclectic as what I read. I don't always read and review the newest books that have just come out. I read what interests me and review them at my speed.
The most awesome thing I've done--raised three great kids who have gotten college educations, much of it with scholarships, to be productive and awesome adults. With one granddaughter, we are starting the next generation on this quest for education with a bang. Can't wait for the next 10 to 15 years as they are going to be freaking awesome.

I have a question for all of you. How do you decide what to read next especially if that series you've loved has finally ended?

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