Sunday, September 18, 2011

WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT!" for All These Things I've Done"

My winner was number 34, Amber Elise who answer this question--

"As a young adult, what was one thing you did, that you regret."

"I regret crawling into myself during high school. I would never take chances with making new friends because I always assumed that they wouldn't like me. I don't know why I was so self-conscious back then. My high school experience could have been so much better if I just let people get to know me."

Thanks to all who entered. Don't forget to check out the other contests going on.

DREAMLAND(Riley Bloom Book) which ends 9/24/11

WELLLL WE'RE WAITING CONTEST  which ends 10/16/11

Also get ready for the big BANNED BOOK BLOG HOP  starting 9/24/11. There are over 250 blogs participating.

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