Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Author Christine Cody Guest Blog and Amazon Gift Card Contest 9/1 – at BittenByBooks!

Join the crowd at BittenByBooks on 9/1 with author Christine Cody (a pseudonym used by Chris Marie Green who has entertained us with her Vampire Babylon series) for a Guest Blog, chat and contest. This event post goes up at noon Central and runs into the evening.Christine will start answering questions around 12:00 pm Central Daylight Time. 
She will be talking about her new book Blood Rules book two in the Bloodlands series.
“After the man named Gabriel came to the Bloodlands, Mariah Lyander was forced to face her true nature, and the horrible things she had done. To redeem herself, she embarks on a quest to find a rumored cure for her were-creatures hoping to recover her own humanity-and Gabriel’s love.”
CONTEST INFO: The contest portion of the event runs until 11:59 pm Central on 9/2/11. Open to readers worldwide.
Prize: A $25.00 electronic Amazon Gift Card
RSVP at BittenByBooks and get 25 entries to the prize portion of the contest when you show up on the day of the event. If you don’t show up and mention your RSVP AND ask a question, your points won’t be entered into the contest.
Be SURE to TWEET and FACEBOOK this link: so your friends can RSVP too.
Don't you just love it when our favorite authors give us a book a month to hook us on a new series! Now that's how I like it!
Book 3
Book 1
Book 2

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