Sunday, May 20, 2012

Witch Song by Amber Argyle Free for 4 Days

                                                Title: Witch Song
Author: Amber Argyle
Genre: Young Adult
Rating: * * * *
Publishers Date: Sept 1, 2011
Paperback: 325 pages
ISBN: 9781936850167
FTC Disclosure: Received an ARC from author for unbiased review

“The world is changing.
For thousands of years, witch song has controlled everything from the winds to the shifting of the seasons. But not anymore. All the Witches are gone, taken captive by the dark Witch, Espen.
As the last echoes of witch song fade, Espen grows stronger as winter and summer come within the space of a day. Now she’s coming for the one she missed—a shy, untrained girl of fifteen named Brusenna.
Somehow, Brusenna has to succeed where every other Witch has failed. Find Espen. Fight her. Defeat her.
Or there won’t be anything left to save.”

I’ve got to admit, when I first started the book, I wasn’t overly excited about the storyline. A young girl is raised by her mother and doesn’t know a lot about her real history. (Been there, done that, several times) Very quickly though, the story takes off and I was thoroughly entrenched in Senna’s adventure to find and release her mother and the other captive witches. At this point, I read non-stop till I finished this marvelous tale.
Her Guardian, Joshen helps her in her quest and adds a romantic interest that I enjoyed. I love the idea of magic being generated by song. Seeing the songs work with nature to both protect and defend the witches was totally fascinating. The strength of a small seed was overwhelming. The growth of Senna from basically an innocent untrained child of 14 to a determined young lady, was well done and very believable.  It was wonderful to see her take on the responsibilities and grow knowledgeable of the witching world. This book won’t be released until September and I’m already chafing to see if there will be more.
Normally, I don’t get overly excited about a cover, but the author definitely got a winner on this cover. The eyes were such an awesome color and draw you in.

Read Witch Song before the Sequel, Witch Born, comes out

Download on Amazon:


  1. Hmm, this is the second review that has mentioned that this book is REALLY good. I think I might have to check it out now! ;) Thanks Lisa!

    Angeline Kace

  2. The book is now on my to-read list. I do love a good female character.

    tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. Wow. This sounds like an exciting book!! New abilities (witches using songs), a beautiful cover, and a quest to defeat the evil witch! This book is heading to the top of my to-read list. Thanks for the review!!


  4. TY for the review- I'll keep an eye out for it.

  5. This book's cover IS beautiful!
    Thanks! Please include this as my 5th comment for the Freedom Hop!
    Laurie Carlson

  6. Love the cover! I am super excited to read Witch Song and have already pre-ordered it!

  7. For the previous comment thought I should add my email
    Gabbie-ethela AT hotmail DOT com

  8. wow.i absolutely love the cover of this book!i am looking forward to reading this book based on your review.

    GFC-Janhvi Jagtap
    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  9. I wasn´t excited when I read annotation but now I´m starting to think that I might read it :) The cover is really awesome♥
    GFC: Jeanne

  10. Sounds awesome! I'm glad this one grew on you as you kept reading!

  11. I love the cover!
    It seems that's an interesting book.

  12. I've been interested in this one ever since I first saw the cover! Sounds like a good one!

  13. Haven't heard of this one before now. But I must say I'm intrigued!

    - Amanda

  14. OMG magic/witches using songs. That sounds pretty interesting. The cover is pretty indeed, but it also looks a little sad :(

  15. I've never heard of this before but the cover is so beautiful! And it honestly sounds like a great read! :)

  16. I'm with you! I LOVE this cover! I just finished reading the first chapter on the author's website and the book is even better than I had hoped! It's definitely going on my TBR list. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I like your review, I haven´t read many reviews about this book.
    I like the cover. I´m going to add it to my long TBR list.[AT]gmail[DOT]com

  18. I've seen this book being promoted on the side bars of many blogs but have not read many reviews for it. After reading yours, I'm thinking it resembles a series of books by South African author Greg Hamerton (Riddler's Gift). Great review!

    Sarah @ Random Thoughts of a Confused Adolescent

  19. This cover is so gorgeous. It's what really caught my eye, to be honest. I follow the artist on a community called deviantart, so when I say it I was like "Ooh! Yes!". Thanks for the great review on it. I'll definitely have to read it soon!


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