Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Summer Hop 2 (1)Unfortunately, the first number chosen by Random.org
was that of someone who entered twice, from two separate computers,
so I disqualified their entries.  

The main winner of my Summer Giveaway Blog Hop is # 68
layen  whose email starts with lincalc@…..
Who  said “I wish I'd went for a daily jog in the afternoon”
I had 265 separate entries, a grand total of 797 entries
(wow! don’t you love the simplicity of Rafflecopter!)
and 77 new followers.

So you know what that means-----
a second winner!winner15
WooHoo! My extra winner is  # 238
Gabrielly C. whose email begins with gaabii.cos…
has a blog called dont forget to look before you fall” and said
Nice question, hm...
There's so many things I wish I could've done...
I wish I went to a concert of my favorite band...”
I’ve emailed you guys and you have until midnight  on Aug 11th EST
to respond or a different winner will be chosen.

All winners were chosen by Random.org
Thanks to all who visited  and commented.
Be sure and watch for the BACK TO THE BOOKS GIVEAWAY HOP
Back to Books Giveaway Hop
that starts Sept 1 and runs till the 7th midnight EST for 
your next chance at a $10 Gift Certificate from
Lisa’sLoves (BooksOfCourse).

Also check out the cover contest for THE EYES HAVE IT which runs until Aug 10th midnight EST. Watch for these eyes while you are hopping from blog to blog during the Summer Giveaway Blog Hop.  Three $10 gift certificates and a gently read ARC of Witch Song by Amber Argle, the cover that sparked this contest, are up for grabs. You don’t have to identify all the covers at one time. Do them as you find them and as long as you leave your GFC name and email, I’ll combine them for you. Be sure and check out the weekly hints and the weekly extra covers for extra entries. If you have one that is especially baffling leave me a comment, I may give just one more hint.
I also have a contest going for a new copy of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s
newest book, “RETRIBUTION” in her Dark-Hunter series.
This contest also ends 8/10

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