Thursday, July 14, 2011

Freedom Giveaway Hop Winners!

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$4th Bun
No buns were harmed in this contest.
My son and daughter in law don’t have children yet so the grandbuns volunteered to list the rules
in exchange for displaying their pics and an extra slice of banana this weekend.(don’t tell their parents)
fireworksclipart8 WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT! fireworksclipart8
I had several people ask what I was doing for the 4th (see there I do read all the comments you leave me). Well, usually we cookout at the pool and family and friends drop by as they can. This year one son and daughter-in-law were at the beach, my daughter and her boyfriend were home from Raleigh for a concert Sunday night (so she slept till time to go back to Raleigh at lunchtime), and my oldest went to a cookout and fireworks display at their cousin’s. So we just had a quiet lazy day since we had went motorcycle riding on Sunday for 12 hours. Yeah, 12 hours! Do you know how numb your a** can get after riding for that long? We do take breaks about every two hours and get something cold to drink and walk around for awhile to shake out the kinks. But still --after 12 hours I could barely walk. And we came home on the interstate. I hate riding the interstate! Those curvy mountain roads  get my heart in my throat often enough but racing down interstate 40 at 1000 miles an hour from Ashville through Swannanoa and Black Mountain is my vision of hell. 
This ride though got me to thinking about the ride that authors take us on (you wouldn’t believe the crap that your mind comes up with to keep you awake while riding behind someone on a motorcycle for hours). I’ve built and redecorated about a dozen houses, wrote many chapters about vamps and werewolves inhabiting the small backwoods areas of NC, Tennessee, and Kentucky, (Deliverance ain’t got nothing on the terror I’ve left in those little mountain towns) and sung to the songs on the MP3 player till I was hoarse. Anyway the ride did get me to thinking about how similar riding on the back of a motorcycle is to reading a great book. I’m still working on this post  but hope to have it ready later in the week.
Now for the reason you really stopped by for!

B&N  Book Depository AmazonGiftCard
The main winner of my Freedom Giveaway Blog Hop giveaway is # 84---LindsayWrites whose email starts with americangirlie1…who said
spending it at a cabin in the woods with just books and my laptop 
to work on my sequel novel! (also going to have my bf there
 for some moral support lol)
She is a 20 year old YA scifi writer repped by Louise Fury at L. Perkins Agency! Her blog is
I had 358 individual entries/comments.
I had 71 new followers so that means one more winner! WooHoo!
The extra winner is Mona G. #178 whose email begins with
monag… who said

Thanks for the giveaway :)
I'll just be hanging out at home on the 4th -- just like any other day.

I've emailed you ladies to verify email addresses for a $10 Gift Certificate/book. You have until midnight on July 18th EST to respond to my email 
or a different winner will be chosen.
All winners were chosen by
Thanks to all who visited  and commented.
I enjoyed hearing about your plans for the 4th if you were from the US and your plans even if you weren’t from the US. Be sure and watch for the Summer Giveaway Hops that starts Aug 1 - 7 for your next chance at a $10 Gift Certificate from Lisa’sLovesBooksOfCourse.
I also have a Cover Contest going on here for the whole month of July that could net you another Gift Certificate or a copy of the ARC Witch Song by Amber Argyle.

witch song

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