Friday, August 26, 2011

The Vampire Voss by Colleen Gleason – 4 *

Title: The Vampire Voss                     2
Author: Colleen Gleason
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * *
Publishers Date: March 22, 2011
Paperback: 384 pages
ISBN: 9780778329527
FTC Disclosure: E-copy from Net Galley

“Regency London - a dizzying whirl of balls and young ladies pursued by charming men. But the Woodmore sisters are hunted by a more sinister breed: Lucifer's own. Voss, also known as Viscount Dewhurst, relishes the sensual pleasures immortality affords. A member of the Dracule - a cabal of powerful, secretive noblemen marked with a talisman that reveals their bartered souls - the mercenary Voss has remained carefully neutral...until Angelica. Angelica Woodmore possesses the Sight, an ability invaluable to both sides of a looming war among the Dracule. Her very scent envelops Voss in a scarlet fog of hunger - for her body and blood. But he is utterly unprepared for the new desire that overcomes him - to protect her.”

Having read the “Gardella Chronicles” by Gleason and loving them, I was tickled to death to see her new trilogy of historical paranormals. While the level of mystery and suspense wasn’t there as it was in the “Gardella” books, the sex level was definitely sizzling. I love the world that Gleason has created and especially the albatross that is around the neck of every vampire. The first thing they see upon waking (cat, dog, diamonds, a bird) is something that weakens them and can be used to control them. This is definitely a darker read than a lot of paranormal romance out there and I love this darker vampire world.
While I didn’t care for Voss in the beginning, he did begin to grow on me and by the end I thoroughly enjoyed the bantering between him and Angelica. She is a much younger, livelier young woman than her sister, Maia, who is very straight laced. She’s funny and an excellent match for Voss.  This book was a very fast read for me and I pretty much read it from start to finish in hours. Luckily I have the next two books in this series and can start them immediately.


  1. oh wow i have to add this in my list! sounds interesting! i love historical, period stories

  2. I loved this series too - the second (Dimitri) was my favourite

  3. I've been back and forth on which one was my favorite. The last one in the series was definitely more thought provoking.


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