Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Vampire Dimitri by Colleen Gleason--- 4 *

Title: The Vampire Dimitri                    1
Author: Colleen Gleason
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * *
Publishers Date: April 19, 2011
Paperback: 384 pages
ISBN: 0778329828
FTC Disclosure: E-copy from Net Galley
“Regency London loves a society wedding - even if there are vampires on the guest list. Dimitri, also known as the Earl of Corvindale, should be delighted that the headstrong Maia Woodmore is getting married. His mortal ward and houseguest has annoyed - and bewitched - the Dracule nobleman too long, and denying his animal cravings grows more excruciating by the day. Marriage will give Miss Woodmore safety, respectability and everything else a proper young lady could wish for. Everything, that is, except passion. In the looming battle between Dracule factions, all pretences will shatter as Maia and Dimitri come together in an unholy union of danger, desperation and fiercest desire.”
At first I was a bit disappointed, because the first third of the book was essentially a retelling of The Vampire Voss, I thought. I then realized it was told from Maia’s point of view and she went from the bossy little know it all to someone who was desperately trying to hold her family together. I loved seeing Maia fight her feelings for Dimitri all the while realizing that he was indeed a vampire. There were several times that Gleason had me laughing out loud at Maia trying to come to terms with it. Gleason has done it again, built a world in Regency London that is totally captivating. I love historical paranormals and though this series isn’t quite as fascinating as Gleason’s “Gardella” books (which if you have not read is well worth your time), I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE NetGalley!!!
    Please count this for the Freedomn hop!
    Laurie Carlson


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