Monday, June 6, 2011

Save the Contemporary! Spread the word, win a digital reader or a free copy of the book!

StC: Yours to Keep by Shannon Stacey

YourstoKeep_stcIt’s rare that Sarah from Smart Bitches and Jane from Dear Author agree on a book. Look at the last StC they ran. It was Hot Finish which released on August 3, 2010. So October, November, December, January, February, well, you get the point. While it may seem like they are both pimping the same books, it’s often not the case. For example, Sarah from Smart Bitches had a hard time with Breaking Point by Pamela Clare while Jane loved it. Sarah picked Moira Roger’s Wilder’s Mate as her SB Summer Book Club pick and Jane gave Moira Roger’s short, Sabine and the Beast a D!
To say that their tastes don’t exactly align is an understatement so it is a rare and wondrous thing when they both like a book and they both loved Shannon Stacey’s Yours to Keep. It’s funny, heartwarming, sexy and moving. A straight up contemp that focuses just on the characters. And there’s a how to element in it too. How to use Scrabble to defeat and embarrass others. You’ll want to read that section a few times so that you can employ it against your own fake fiance.
Email, blog, or tweet this page or the #StC campaign and we will enter you to win an eReader of your choice (options include Nook touch, Kobo Touch, Kindle 3G with special offers)
*If you blog this, send the link to

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