Friday, July 1, 2011


You know how you feel when you get that email that says you’ve won a giveaway. You grin and go WooHoo!
Then life goes on, cause it’s gonna be a month or so till you get your prize. Well, today I got this enormous box from Leigh Ellwood & Kat Lively at  that had a big ass duffel bag full of free books and author promo, including a wad of Romance Trading Cards big enough to choke a horse. I bet my neighbors heard me squeal clean on the other side of the holler (country girl here).
I just had to thank Leigh and Kat again and show some of the books I got. My only problem is trying to figure out what to read first. What do you think? Which would you read first?

After much debating, I started HOURGLASS. Have the grandbaby here today so didn't get to read as much as I had hoped but it is awesome so far!
Hourglass-WON The Redemption of Ajax -WON
No Mercy-WONBrimstone Kiss -WON
How to Knit a Love Song-WONThe Guy Next Door-WON
Killer Heat-WONOne Deadly Sin-WON
Emma and the Vampires-WONThe Panic Zone-WON
In the Arms of Mr. Darcy-WONMurder in Vein-WON
How to Woo a Reluctant Lady-WONWinter's Desire-WON


  1. That is a great haul, and looks very hard to pick just one. I would choose No Mercy, only because the cover is so desolate looking.

  2. Omg! I am sooo jealous! That's a great selection of books. I would start off by reading Hourglass by Myra McEntire because I've heard so many great things about it and would love to read it myself:)

  3. I forgot to leave my e-mail in the previous comment. Enjoy your books!:)

  4. I love getting a prize in the mail! Always makes my day a bit brighter. 2 times last week I received a package from the Book Depository from giveaways I had won. Just love it!

  5. I love getting goodies in my mailbox.

  6. Looks like a lot of great books. Congrats!

  7. What a great box and yes, it is simply fantastic to know your biggest problem is choosing which book to read first.

  8. I am totally envious. Feel free to send some my way!!!


  9. Wow. You have a lot of wonderful goodies. I agree with starting with HOURGLASS. I've been dying to read it for a while now. You're one lucky girl!!


  10. I'm reading Hourglass right now! So far I really love it, and I'm about halfway in.


  11. Winter's Desire - because it is summer and HOT!!! I like to read Winter books in the summer and summer books in the winter because of the weather!!! The summer is HOT and you can read and pretend the weather is cooler. The Winter sucks royal and you can read summer books to pretend it's warm outside!!! Like my psychology??!!!
    Please count this as a comment for the Freedom Hop!
    Laurie Carlson


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