Monday, May 2, 2011


You are all invited to the Spring Blog Carnival and blog party running from May 1st through May 8th at midnight EST. There will be giveaways and fabulous  fun to be had by all.
Now for the Carnival Part. 
 During the giveaway hop different blogs will be hosting booths.  
Each booth will have a fun challenge for you to do to enter their giveaway!
    For every  50 new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or Book Depository book. Hope you'll take the time to look around, make a comment or two and offer any suggestions. I am number 108 and Kellys Lucky You is in front of me and Do Not Disturb My Books  is behind me. Click here for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop. This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!!
    Giveaway Details per the Grandbuns!
Giveaway Details:
To enter giveaway please follow this blog on Goggle Friend Connect, leave a comment telling me what sign of Spring signifies it's finally arrived  and then fill out the form here.
NASCAR starting and motorcycles on the road tell me Spring has arrived.
Last Day to Enter is May 8th at midnight!
Optional Extra Entries:
+1 or more (up to 5)
Comment on ANY non-Giveaway post.


  1. I follow with GFC and daffodils and fresh mowed grass is what I think of when Spring arrives.

  2. To me, Spring has arrived when the grass is green & it gets warm.. erm, I mean hot... I live in Texas. We really on have 2 temperatures: sorta cold & very hot! lol.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. When the Wild Cherry Tree outside my window blooms these pretty little pink flowers it tells me Spring has arrived.

  4. Tulip trees blooming means that it is spring. Thank you for the giveaway!

  5. When I can see the grass flowers are blooming and the sun is shining!!! I love it!!!

  6. I think its when the flowers start coming up and everything starts turning green again. Then when my allergies start I know for sure. :)

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  7. When everything starts to bloom and birds are singing, but not in a desperate "Spring where art thou" way!

  8. I'm a GFC follower. Since I'm living in Malaysia, and the weather is basically the same all year around, I associate Springtime with the Chinese celebration of the Spring festival where you have strong winds :-)

  9. The singing of the birds always tells me spring is here.

  10. All winter we watched the drab finches in their winter clothes. In March spot of yellow appeared here and there and then suddenly you have bright yellow gold finches and then you know it is spring. Here spring doesn't mean it won't snow, and our last frost is Memorial day. Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust

  11. It's actually autumn here,but... LOL
    Spring means lots of birds singing everywhere and flowers, looooots of flowers. :)

  12. Spring is here when I see flowers starting to bloom and continuous sunny days.

  13. It probably sounds bad, but I know when spring is finally here when I am dealing with muddy dogs every day! I spend a lot of time wiping feet! Thanks for hosting.

  14. For me, Spring has arrived when the birds are back to signing!

  15. I think spring has finally arrived when the trees bud & there is no more snow (I live in MN, and there has been a couple of days where it has snowed in April, ugh!). I am GFC follower.

  16. When the weather is getting warmer and the flowers start to bloom!

  17. I know spring is here because I CANNOT concentrate on my classwork!


  18. Spring for me is when I see hummingbirds outside my window.

  19. I know spring has arrived when I have to dodge squirrels and chipmunks while driving, pesky critters :)


  20. For me it's spring when all the hummingbirds return to the feeder.

    marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. Flowers blossoming means spring for me!

    thank you for the contest!

  22. The pollen coating everything lets me know that spring is here. Then the grass growing back and my dad cutting his grass every weekend.

  23. For me, Spring has arrived when there's NO MORE SNOW ON THE GROUND! GO AWAY SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Spring to me is when the flowers and trees start blooming! I love the way everything looks green again:)

  25. Spring is here when the crickets show up in our utility room.

  26. When all flowers start blooming fast that you think they're having a blooming competition.

  27. americangirlie1991 AT yahoo DOT com

    i think of snowcones!!


  28. DAISIES! I love them and they mean spring to me!

  29. I love to see all the new flowers coming up and the leaves starting to come out on trees.

  30. Once everything gets a dusting of pollen and the mosquitoes start swarming I know Spring has arrived...on the bright side there are lots of pretty flowers

  31. When i see flowers blooming again.

  32. When the fruit trees bloom then I know spring has arrived by the sweet smell that blows in through my window.

    Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

    I am a Follower via GFC.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  33. Pollen! When I see this yellow powder covering just about everything then I know it's spring :)

  34. Spring means it's time for me to provide umbrella or baseball hat because it's getting warm and hotter. :D

  35. I'm following with GFC.

    For me, it's the daffodils! When they start to grow, it must be spring.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  36. I know it's Spring when the trees start to bloom and it is warm enough to turn off the heat :)


  37. When the t-shirts start becoming regular not just wishful thinking.

  38. Spring is marked by mild, sunny days like today. The first real sign around these parts are the crocuses. A patch of them are outside my bedroom window.

  39. Thanks for the giveaway!

    A continuous lack of snow for a week let's me know Spring is here. We have yet to make it.

  40. I’m a new GFC follower, I always think of the new baby bunnies that take over my yard every spring! They are around for a few weeks until my cat chases them off, but it means spring is here!

  41. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Spring is when I see flowers blooming in the yards.

    GFC follower = Juana Esparza


  42. Spring is here when:
    1)warm weather arrives, of course!
    2)the view outside my window turns green. I live in the middle of the woods, and one day every year when it's the right temp, all the leaves come and it is bright green as far as the eye can see

  43. I know Spring has sprung when I can finally walk outside without a top coat & the jonquils are blooming.

  44. I know spring has sprung when the weather is perfect -- neither hot nor cold. Also, the rain showers begin.

    new GFC follower(MonaG)

  45. I know spring has finally arrived when the mornings no longer require jackets and that nip in the air is gone.

  46. May showers and lots of flowers, and a bunny on my computer screen. Thats when i know spring is here, and that i should start to clean! =D

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!
    TValeros18 @ gmail [dot] com
    GFC: SpadesHighReads

  47. Sign of spring for me is the blooming tulips right outside in the garden! :) They're so green and fresh with dew in the morning. So pretty!

  48. Spring has arrived when the pecan trees started budding and Nascar and the NHRA started their races!!!


  49. I commented on other posts :) I am GFC follower Krystal Larson. Thank you so much for having this giveaway. When I can hear the birds outside my window and the daylight lasts longer I know Spring is here.

  50. Birds chirping in the morning. :)

  51. Spring for me means all the snow has finally melted and the grass is turning from brown to green.

  52. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my review! I don't normally feature spoilers in my reviews, but I needed to say that one and still leave it where people who don't want to be spoiled could read it, so I figured whiting it out would be best. Also, thanks for following, I'm returning the follow! :)

    Have a great week!

  53. Unfortunately where I live you can usually tell when spring arrives when you have days and days of severe thunderstorms and tornado watches and warnings. I would prefer it to be the flowering dogwood and redbud trees.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  54. The blossoms on all of the trees in this region, esp. the beautiful pink ones on my crepe myrtle tree in my backyard. Also, my camellias and geraniums are blossoming.


    jhsmail at comcast dot net

  55. To me you can Spring is here when the flowers and trees start blooming also because it seems like it rains all of the time.

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  56. Spring's arrived when I see the nests full of baby birds in the trees around the house :)

  57. what sign of Spring signifies it's finally arrived ? The first crocus come to bloom even if their is still snow on the ground it tells us Spring is on its way!
    GFC as veltara

  58. Daffodils blooming under my kitchen window are the first sign of spring to me.

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  59. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I know Spring has come around when my birthday comes around :D
    brainytex@gmail com

  60. For me, spring starts as soon as the trees grow leaves again. I don't care much for flowers since I'm allergic to them but once everything's green it's definitely spring :)
    Oh and thanks a lot for the giveaway :D

  61. Springs arrived when I see flowers everywhere! :) And of course allergy shows up! :D And sun is shining... :))

    Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  62. GFC follower

    I love the bright colors of the plants and flowers that tell me that spring has arrived, as well as the extra daylight in the evening.

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  63. Spring is here when the snow melts!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. The first sign of spring is definitely when it's warm enough to break out my favorite pair of flip flops!

    GFC Follower: fletch8502

    fletch8502 at yahoo dot com

    Thank you for the giveaway! Going to fill out the form now...

  65. I know Spring is here when there are bugs and spiders everywhere. Ewww.

    GFC: Tawni

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. I'm a GCF follower and to me it's spring when it's warm enough to comfortably wear shorts! :D amazing_alex.0818[at]yahoo[dot]com

  67. Spring is here for me when i can ride my bike again!

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  68. great contest!! spring arrives when the rain stops and the sun finally comes out
    i'm a follower


  69. I love seeing the GREEN grass!

    TaraTagli at gmail dot com

  70. The first sign of flowers somewhere. whether its amongst the new grass, on a tree as a bud, or in someone's garden :)

    swaggirl01 at gmail dot com

  71. Thanks for the giveaway!
    In Louisiana, spring arrives when the intense heat and humidity move in. We don't typically have much of a real spring here.

  72. Spring arrives around here with the colts and fillies being born! It's one of my favorite things :)

    GFC follower - Jules@OneBookShy

    onebookshy at yahoo dot com

  73. When flowers start showing their heads.

  74. Thanks for the giveaway. I also think gift cards are the way to go. There isn't really anything specific that signifies spring to me. There are all theses Jacaranda trees that I see on the way to school and around where I live but I can't remember if they bloom in spring or summer.


  75. thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
    spring for me signifies sunshine and the smell of fresh flowers.

  76. I know Spring is here when the wild cottontail rabbits in our backyard start coming out and hopping around.

  77. When the grass is growing long enough to have to mow it.

  78. When tits nest in our nesting box. But the little birds already hatched out and today was snowing (not very often snows in May in our country, we were pretty surprised) so I don't know how faithful it is :)
    P.S. Sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm not native speaker ;)

  79. Form name- Rachelle H.

    I always associate the beginning of Spring with leaves and flowers poppping up.

    oreo_93 at hotmail dot com

  80. I know spring is here when the snow stops and starts to melt!
    Great giveaway thank you so much!
    Im a GFC follower/latishajean

  81. All the flowers blooming and nascar!!!
    Shannon Johnson

  82. I'm a new follower and so excited to read your blog!

    To me, spring is here when the trees are pink and daffodils start popping up all over the place!

  83. Whenever I think it's springtime, the leaves of the trees are fresh green, the breeze is cool and light, the skies are cerulean with white puffs with the blinding sun's rays warming everything along its path. There are chirps of the birds. And I have a wondrous feeling inside of me that tells me it's going to be a good day. (:

  84. My son LOVES Nascar so I know it's spring when Nascar starts and when the daffodils (my fave flowers) start to bloom!

    New follower!


  85. Spring has arrived when the grass is green, the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining all day.

  86. Thank you for the great giveaway!

    I'm a GFC follower of your blog as Stella (Ex Libris)

    For me spring comes when the apple tree blossoms and I can smell freshly cut grass in the city :-)

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  87. Thanks for this giveaway !!! :D

    According to me spring has arrived when the sun is shining, when I can hear the birds sing and when I can see flowers everywhere ! :)

  88. Spring? We don't get much of spring where I live so I would say, Rain! If we get rain in April then we're going to have a pretty spring (or what may be spring).....No rain at all this April. Straight to allergy season -- lol

    blazesandbubbles AT gmail DOT com

  89. Spring is here when I can go outside and don't freeze my butt off haha. But also when there are leaves growing on the trees :)

  90. The beginning of spring outdoor soccer season signifies spring for me. She plays year round but when we switch from indoor to outdoor I know it is spring!

    I am a follower! Thanks!


  91. I follow with GFC ... hhmm Spring. It is going into winter here at the moment (in Australia)... but I know spring has arrived when the morning frost dissipates and it's time to wear light cardigans and bare feet are OK! :)Thanks for this giveaway!

  92. I know when spring has arrived because it starts to rain a lot. Thanks for the giveaway!

  93. The love bugs are back! They're bugs in Florida that fly in pairs. Yuck, they get everywhere, and my hair is not safe! Still, it wouldn't be Florida without the love bugs.

  94. For me, Spring is warm weather and the new chance to where shorts again!!! :P

  95. When our trees on garden start blooming, birds are singing and there are lots of mosquitos:D

  96. I am a GFC follower by the name of whipanne. Love spring when my rhodies start to bloom! whipanne at yahoo dot com

  97. GFC follower.

    I know its spring when the sky turns blue and the flowers start to grow.

  98. Pollen and 80-90 degree weather signifies that it is spring in Florida.

    GFC follower - Stephanie M

    smccar1 at hotmail dot com

  99. For me, Spring is coming when I can smell it :) Spring has it's characteristic smell for me - the most beautiful smell in the world.


    judittten at gmail dot com

  100. Flowers and more flowers! Do I have to say more? :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. I love the smell of spring - it's beautiful.
    Great giveaway!

  102. I live in the Phoenix area, so spring starts around the beginning of March. When spring training baseball starts up, it's spring to me.

  103. I follow with GFC. I know that Spring is here to stay when the lilacs start to bloom. There's a much better chance that we've put the snow and cold behind us when the lilacs are blooming!

    AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

  104. Spring has arrived when dandelions have begun taking over the yard. I swear, by the middle of summer we have more dandelions than grass.

  105. To me spring has arrived, when the azaleas bloom.

  106. It's flowers blooming bright and beautiful for me!

  107. Definitely green grass...haven't reached that yet! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

  108. To me spring begins when plants start to blossom, birds start to chirp and of course when it starts getting lighter in the morning

  109. GFC follower.

    The flowers growing means it's finally spring!

  110. Thanks for the great giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! For me signs that spring has returned include the absence of high heating bills, thunderstorms and the smell of freshly cut grass.

  111. I know it's spring when I don't have to put a coat on my dog when I take him out

  112. when is tart to feel the sun really shining and warming up my skin and the flowers are blooming thats spring


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