Sunday, May 1, 2011


the gathering pb The Gathering

          Paperback                       Hardback/Kindle


Which cover do you like best and why? Personally, I like the HB cover best, it looks more gothic in nature and I just love the coloring. Now it’s possible as I’d only seen the HB cover up till this morning, that my mind has already attached a link in my mind that the HB cover was THE cover for The Gathering.

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  1. I actually love the paperback. It makes me want to read the book more (yes, I might judge a book by it's cover on occasion! lol) All the blues in the Hardback just didn't work for me. I like the greens & whites of the paperback.
    I guess that's why they make a new cover for paperback releases, right? So they can pull in new readers. : )

  2. My fear is when the cover is different, I'll end up with BOTH a HB and PB copy.

  3. I am still going to stick with the Hardback simply because it does not #1 affect the story inside and #2 because have the whole series in Hardback and will want the books to match size wise when finally get a copy of "The Gathering">

  4. I prefer the hardcover it is very pretty. The paperback is kind of weird in my opinion.

  5. i really like the hb cover, but i bought the pb, because it's cheaper =)

    p.s. i haven't read it yet, as i have some other books to finish first, but i'm sooooo curious...

  6. I've been seeing the HB cover alot but this is the first time I've the paperback cover and I have to say I kinda like the paperback cover better. I don't know why but I do.


  7. I like the Hardback more. It's prettier, and I love the color blue!! :)

  8. I like the paperback better. I think I'm just more drawn to the color, and I have a tendency to love covers with white backgrounds like that one.

  9. This is the first time I have seen the PB cover, but I still like the HB cover better. I really like the silhouette and the color used.

  10. I like them both but I think I like the HB cover a little more. It looks a little more mysterious and interesting to me.

  11. I like both covers but I like the HB cover a little more. I have not read the book yet but the cover just looks a little more mysterious and interesting to me.

  12. I prefer the hardback cover. I love the color and pose. The paperback cover has just a little too much going on.

  13. I prefer the Hardback cover. I've always loved that one.

  14. I prefer the hardback cover because it is more focused and seems to be more representative of the story in my opinion.

  15. I find the paperback cover is a little confusing with the double image which seems unneccessary.

    So I will go with the HB.


    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  16. I like the HB cover better.
    The paperback is irritating me. I don't know which girl I should look at.

  17. I prefer the hardcover. The paperback's cover is little bit weird. I hope they find another design

  18. I prefer the kindle version

  19. Between the two covers, I go with the paperback. I think the colors and cover design just make for a bigger enticement.

  20. I like the hard cover, the face is more distinct and intriguing...but the paperback is cheaper *shrugs*

  21. I like the paperback version better. Although neither one is bad.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  22. I like the Hardback better the cover is more eye catching than the paperback.

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  23. I think I like the paperback better. It's probably because it's green (my favorite color :3) but also because it's ... more modern I guess :)

  24. I am obsessed with this book and the covers. So good post to comment on.

    At first I was in love with the hardcover (US cover) and really didn't even know that there was another cover.

    Then I won the book and I got sent the UK version (paperback). At first i was not happy since I had seen the other cover everywhere.

    But now I actually like the paperback version. Not better. But it feels so soft. And after reading the book i think the UK cover really suits it.

    jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com

  25. Yikes. I don't particularly enjoy looking at the paperback cover. :\

    Now, the hardback is nice. It sort of represents the main protagonist in an intriguing way. Plus, it's prettier than the first cover, haha. And it's almost like the covers for the Darkest Powers, which are AWESOME; I love them.

  26. Definitely hardback. The paperback cover is just so....disturbing. It's not ugly just not pretty either.

  27. I like the HB cover best. The colors are prettier and it isn't as harsh.


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