Monday, April 25, 2011

The Strange Case of Finley Jayne –Prequel to “The Girl in the Steel Corset”

51X6PGSDJFL._SL500_AA266_PIkin3,BottomRight,-10,34_AA300_SH20_OU01_ Can’t wait until May 31 for “The Girl in the Steel Corset”? Well, you’re in luck. Look what Kady Cross has for us.

“Finley Jayne knows she's not 'normal'. Normal girls don't lose time, or have something inside them that makes them capable of remarkably violent things. Her behavior has already cost her one job, so when she's offered the lofty position of companion to Phoebe, a debutante recently engaged to Lord Vincent, she accepts, despite having no experience. Lord Vincent is a man of science with his automatons and inventions, but Finley is suspicious of his motives where Phoebe is concerned. She will do anything to protect her new friend, but what she discovers is even more monstrous than anything she could have imagined…”

An ebook exclusive prequel to The Steampunk Chronicles.


  1. This prequel looks awesome. I love Steampunk!


  2. I'm just being introduced to Steampunk. This book looks great. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

  3. This sounds like an interesting story. I've never heard of these books. I've not read any Steampunk yet, but I hope to soon.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  4. Wow and I just got an ARC of "The Girl in the Steel Corset", too! Both look very promising.


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