Saturday, April 9, 2011


The winner of my Wither giveaway is
Jessie H. whose email starts with jessieh…
She said "been waiting to read this one -- usually not a dystopian fan,
but this one calls to me."
when commenting on the review of "WITHER”
Her blog is
To see my review click here.
I've emailed you to verify mailing address. 

The winner of Bonded By Blood by Laurie London is 
Christina T. whose email starts with Crysteena73…
She said "I saw this book at Walmart and really thought about getting it but passed it up because honestly I thought the cover was a little cheesy. Actually I think it was the open mouthed fangs that really ruins the whole sensual feel of the cover. I do love me some paranormal though and that is why I teetered between getting it and not. I opted to put it down for another book instead. I will definitely have to find a copy to read after reading your review.." when commenting on the review of "Bonded By Blood.
To see my review click here.

Jessie H and Christina T, you have until
midnight on April 11th EST
to respond or  different winners will be chosen.
The winner was chosen by
Thanks to all who visited  and commented.

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