Friday, April 29, 2011

Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop Winners Announced!

hoppy easter
The main winner of my Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop giveaway is # 271---Chidori whose email starts with chidori@...She is  a new follower and international. 
(heard from her--WooHoo!)
I had 325 individual entries and with the extra entries it went up to 432. I had 100+ new followers so that means two more winners! WooHoo!
They are Tara  #202 from whose email begins with TaraTagli@... and
Katie  #14 from whose email begins with katie_tp@.... (heard from her WooHoo!)
Both of these ladies are old followers and from the US!
I've emailed all of you to verify email addresses for a $10 Gift Certificate from Amazon or a book up to $10 from Book Depository.

You have until midnight on May 2 EST to respond or a different winner will be chosen.
All winners were chosen by
Thanks to all who visited  and commented.
Be sure and watch for the Spring Blog Carnival that starts May 1 - 8 for your next chance at a $10 Gift Certificate.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much! I´m absolutely thrilled about it :))


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