Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Google Reader- Yea or Nay!

Like many others out there, I use Google Reader to help me navigate the way too many blogs I follow. I've increased by almost double what I can read daily. And yes I spend sooo much time reading others blogs that it has cost me precious reading time. This I hate but don't seem to be able to cut back. And I'm always finding new blogs that I MUST read. Reviews that are about books I'm reading or planning on reading, I flag and read after I've finished the book. If I've already read it or on the fence, then I do read the reviews. But it sure makes it much easier to bypass the many memes out there. But one thing I've noticed is that unless I'm compelled to leave a comment, I don't actually visit the blog. This got me to thinking, if I'm reading the review on Google Reader then the blogger doesn't know I've seen it as it won't show as a hit. Humm, not sure if while the GR is great for the reader, it's not so great for the blogger.


  1. That's always been a problem with blogs. But to keep track of all the blogs there are out there, it's a must to use a reader.

    There is still a bit of knowledge of the readers because you can keep track of subscribers to the feed. I would rather someone be able to read my blog however they find convenient than find themselves not wanting to read my blog at all because it's onerous to.

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  2. Excellent point. I will make a bigger effort to leave a post on reviews that I read on Google Reader from now on though.

  3. Good point, but without Google Reader, I would be missing many of these posts because I cannot keep straight all the blogs I want to follower, so it is nice that Google Reader does it for me. However, if I see a post I want to comment on (like this one), I click on it and do so.

  4. Hello friend - I just want to give you the 7 facts award, if you want to know more about it visit my blog:

    Thanks and have a wonderful day! :)

  5. That's so true. The number of blogs I follow increases exponentially and I feel guilty I can't visit them all more often...I'm trying to better about visiting and commenting more often, too.

  6. When I started reading blogs I didn't know about Google Reader, so I used to bookmark them and then visit the sites one by one - which took forever! If I hadn't found Google Reader I wouldn't be able to read as many blogs as I do. Love it!

  7. I wish I had time to access all the blogs I want. I have not yet begun using Google Reader. I must investigate.

  8. I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one following way too many blogs. But even with the convenience of Google Reader I still spend too much time on too many (good!!) blogs *sigh*.

  9. I follow a lot of blogs and I will admit a lot of times I don't go to the actual blog. I'll try and change that.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  10. I follow a lot of blogs through Google Reader too! But if i want to comment on it, then I usually click on the blog post to directly comment.

  11. I just read when I have a chance however my Google Read runneth over as well. LOL! However, I think that it doesn't matter if you physically visit the site because most bloggers include their google followers in their stats. I know I do anyway.

  12. I have subscribed to a few blogs via google reader but haven't religiously used it. I have been just bookmarking and subscribing via email... but as my list grows its very hard to do it that way so will be using gr much more in the near future.

  13. Totally agree with you. I use Google Reader since I have waaay too many blogs and just look at them through there. I accumulate so many blogs that it would take forever to comment on everything.

  14. I kinda like google reader but I don't use it for my book blogs. it would be an epic mess.

  15. I have a great love for Google Reader. I'm regretful that it took me so long to give it a chance. I now read very few sites without it.

  16. I have used Google Reader for a long time and i find it VERY helpful to find blogs that peak my interest and stay in touch with their latest posts.


    Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp

  17. I thought about this a little while ago. So now, what I do is, if I see a post in my google reader, and read it I right click on it, and open it in another tab. Sometimes, I comment, other times I just finish reading it, other times, I just close it since I already finished reading it through my reader. By opening it in another tab, it counts as a hit(or at least I hope it Of course without a comment the blogger doesn't know that I read it, but they know it was viewed by someone.

  18. Have not explored the use of "Google Reader." Obviously, must do so . . . because I have been wondering how bloggers read so many books . . . and so many blogs. Figured I must be the slowest reader on the blog circuit. I miss my book reading time. Since I've found the world of "Book Lover Blogs" I seem to spend more time reading blogs than I do books . . . and yet, like you, "don't seem to be able to cut back." Guess I need to read a "How To Speed Read" book.
    2much2reid {at} comcast {dot} net

  19. "Amen!"

  20. I don't use GR. I prefer to subscribe to emails even though it takes a lot of time. I'll scan the title or maybe read a little before actually going to the blog. I only post if I like what I've read most of the time.


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