Monday, March 28, 2011

The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey—3 *

11Title: The Fairy Godmother
Author: Mercedes Lackey
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: * * *
Publishers Date: May 1, 2010
Paperback: 496 pages
ISBN: 9780373803330
FTC Disclosure: Net Galley

“Elena Klovis was supposed to be her kingdom's Cinderella -- the mistreated stepsister who fatefully falls in love with a prince, marries him, and lives happily ever after -- except that the prince is only a child! When Elena's stepmother and her two wicked stepsisters hastily leave town to escape debtors, she is left alone in the empty house to fend for herself. A 21-year old woman with no education, no money, and no hope of ever marrying a highborn man, Elena has only one option: to try to be hired as a servant. (At least she'll be paid for her hard work!) Then fate intervenes. She is taken on as an apprentice to a fairy godmother and is introduced to a life of magic and supernatural creatures.
Elena eventually becomes a fairy godmother herself and revels in helping steer people in the right direction. But when she helps three princes (one extremely handsome, by the way!) on a quest, will she let her emotions get in the way of her responsibilities? 
Who says no one lives happily ever after? “

I was a bit hesitant to start this story as I’m a romance reader at heart and a fantasy reader second. This was my first Lackey book and though it wasn’t great, I still have several that I’m anxious to read. There was a lot I liked about the storyline, particularly the snarky dry humor. Who wouldn’t give their right tit to be able to turn that ass of a boyfriend into a braying mule? I loved the interaction of the characters in Elena’s home, they were always good for a laugh and a bit of backstory. I loved the premise of the story as who doesn’t like to see Cinderella get her prince but the story itself was pretty slow and Lackey didn’t allow us to see what was happening as much as telling us. I loved the “where Fairy Godmothers come from” storyline as I don’t think I’ve run into that before. Very nicely done!
But there was a character that I hardily got tired of- “The Tradition”. Yes, it was important that we realize how important “The Tradition” was but I got tired of being hit over the head with “The Tradition” stick. This is an area where allowing us to see what was possible would have made so much more difference than telling us. Despite this I did finish the book and while not a great story, it wasn’t awful either, more middle of the road.


  1. Oh so glad to see you enjoyed the book! I've heard many great things of Mercedes Lackey books, but I have to admit I've not read any of her books either. :)

    Thanks for the great review!

  2. I found the seconhand edition of this book, but I'm hesitant to buy it, because I'm never read Mercedes Lackey's book before. But, after I read your review, I'll go to buy it and start reading ;)

    Thanks for the review ^_^

  3. Hmmm, it does sound like a different, intriguing book!


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