Saturday, February 5, 2011


Lookie, what came in the mail today! OMG!
Last week I was checking out as I do daily, just to see who would be there in the coming week and they had their contest winners listed. I just kind of glanced at them as I had just won $100 GC from Marie Treanor in the last posting of winners. Have you seen the cartoon character that sees something and their head ricochets back? Well, that was me went I saw my name next to the Kindle winner from Desiree Holt. I’ve been a loyal follower of BBB since I entered my first contest, which I also won. I mean, what are the odds that the first contest I’d decide to enter on a blog, I’d win? Slim, I’d have thought. Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you!
If you don’t check them out on a regular basis, you are really missing out. They provide interviews and reviews of the most current paranormals being released. They also will have sci-fi, urban fantasy and other genres from time to time. Along with the opportunity to find out about their newest books, you get a chance to ask questions to the authors and win excellent prizes, gift certificates to Amazon or B&N, books, swag and from time to time Kindles, Nooks and I-Pads. I’m telling you people, they are NOT to be missed.

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