Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lynsay Sands -Born to Bite * * * *

Title: Born to Bite
Author: Lynsay Sands
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * *
Publishers Date: 8/31/10
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Avon
ISBN: 0061474320
FTC Disclosure: I purchased
Legend has it that Armand Argeneau is a killer in the bedroom . . . 
But with all three of his late wives meeting unfortunate and untimely ends, is this sexy immortal a lover or a murderer? That's what Eshe d'Aureus intends to find out. As an enforcer, it's her job to bring rogue vampires to justice, even if the rogue in question makes her blood race red hot.

Armand knew she was trouble the moment Eshe roared into town on her motorcycle, clad in tight black leather. She claims she's hiding from dangerous fiends, though he suspects something more. But after three wives who've all had trouble remaining, well, undead, Armand is reluctant to open his heart again. Then strange accidents start to happen, each deadlier than the last, and Armand realizes he may not have much time to prove he's a lover, not a slayer.
While this had some of the humor of the earlier books, it still wasn't as enjoyable as the first few in the series. It was a definite improvement over the Rogue Hunter books in the series though. And it was nice to see some of the earlier characters that I had fallen in love with, like Lucien and Bricker, who always made me laugh.
I thoroughly enjoyed Armand's life mate Eshe from the moment she roared in on the back of her motorcycle. She was wild and a spitfire in the earlier Hunter book but less so around Armand. This book was a bit more action packed and less romantic than what I normally expect from Sands but it was nice to finally discover what had happened to Armand's former wives. The normal romantic tension and humor seemed lacking but this may have been because both were vampires and there was none of the "Yes, I am a vampire-see my teeth" convincing that normally takes place when one of them was human. In spite of some of the shortcomings, I still thoroughly enjoyed the latest visit with the Argeneau family and expect to get started on "Hungry For You" shortly. 

Argeneau Family
1. A Quick Bite (2005)
2. Love Bites (2004)
3. Single White Vampire (2003)
4. Tall, Dark and Hungry (2004)
5. A Bite to Remember (2006)
6. Bite Me If You Can (2007)
7. The Accidental Vampire (2008)
8. Vampires Are Forever (2008)
9. Vampire, Interrupted (2008)
10. The Rogue Hunter (2008)
11. The Immortal Hunter (2009)
12. The Renegade Hunter (2009)
13. Born to Bite (2010)
14. Hungry For You (2010)
15. The Reluctant Vampire (2011)

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