Friday, January 21, 2011

Lynn Viehl- Dreamveil 4 1/2*

Title: Dreamveil
Author: Lynn Viehl
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * *1/2
Publishers Date: 6/1/10
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Onyx
ISBN: 0451412885
FTC Disclosure: I purchased

Rowan Dietrich grew up on the streets. Now she's out to start anew, find a job-and keep her identity as a Kyndred secret, as well as her ability to "dreamveil" herself into the object of others' desires.

But Rowan isn't using her gift when world-class chef Jean-Marc Dansant is stricken by her beauty and strength. And when dark secrets from her past threaten her new life and love, Rowan realizes she can't run forever...

Lynn Viehl is one of only about a half dozen authors who are on my auto buy list without ever reading review one. While at first I didn’t think I would like the other half of the Darkyn series, Kyndred, as much as the first half of the series, this book totally convinced me it was a winner. While the Kyndred doesn’t have the rich historical focus that made me fall in love with this series back in 2005, this book has so many twists and turns that it has blown me away. I’ll think I have a thing or two figured out and Viehl’s storyline takes a whole other turn that makes me smile and shake my head with satisfaction. The mystery and suspense is worthy of several Patterson books I’ve read and definitely more entertaining. This is NOT a series that can be read out of order and why would you want to? The characters in this series have been superb and I loved the setting of this book in a French restaurant.  I started this book late in the afternoon and did not lay it down until I finished the last word in it. I just picked up the next book “Frostfire” and am planning an all night read tomorrow night.

I list both series here because they go together as far as I'm concerned. You can't enjoy one without the other.
1. If Angels Burn (2005)
2. Private Demon (2005)
3. Dark Need (2006)
4. Night Lost (2007)
5. Evermore (2008)
6. Twilight Fall (2008)
7. Stay the Night (2009)
1. Shadowlight (2009)
2. Dreamveil (2010)
3. Frostfire (2011)


  1. i've never read anything by this author, this looks really good though!

  2. I totally agree with you! This is one of the best new series! I went through the first like...3 books in two days...completely ignoring my family and building pile of work to do ahahah oh well thats what happens with a great series and author!

    (please enter me into the snowy days contest! hense1kk at cmich dot edu)


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