Friday, January 14, 2011

Author Judi Fennell Guest Blog and Book Contest 1/14 – at BittenByBooks!

Join me and all the fabulous people at BittenByBooks on 1/14 with author Judi Fennell for a guest blog, chat and contest. Judi will be talking about her newest book I Dream of Genies. As a reader and lover of her mermaid books I can tell you this will be a great new series. Her books are romance at it's best with a good helping of humor.
“He needs to change his luck, and fast!
Matt Ewing would gladly hunt down a fortune in lucky pennies if he thought it would help save his business. But for all his hoping, Matt’s clueless when his long-awaited lucky charm falls in his lap in the form of a beguiling genie. He just can’t believe that this beautiful woman could be the answer to his prayers…
She’s been bottled up for far too long!
Spending 2,000 years in a bottle would make any woman a little stir-crazy. So when Matt releases Eden from her luxurious captivity, she’s thrilled to repay him by giving him the magical boost he needs…
But for all her good intentions, Eden’s magical prowess is a little rusty and her magical mistakes become more than embarrassing. And though Eden knows falling in love will end her magic and immortality, she can’t help but be drawn to the one man who wants her just for herself…”
CONTEST INFO: Open to Readers in the US/Canada. The contest portion of the event runs until 11:59 pm Central on 1/15.
Prizes: 3 copies of I Dream of Genies

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