Sunday, January 23, 2011

Aprilynne Pike- Wings 4 1/2 *

Title: Wings
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Rating: * * * * 1/2
Publishers Date: 5/05/09
Hardback: 294 pages
Publisher: Harper Teen
ISBN: 0061668036
FTC Disclosure: PaperBackSwap

An extraordinary faerie tale of magic and mystery, romance and danger, described by Stephenie Meyer as 'a remarkable debut'. Laurel is an ordinary fifteen-year-old high school girl. But something incredible is happening to her. She is changing. Now Laurel is about to discover that a deep and powerful magic holds the key to her destiny.

I really wasn’t planning on reading Wings today, but only because I didn’t have the second book in the series yet. And if you’ve read any of my other book reviews you know I generally wait till I’ve got 3 or 4 of the books in a series before I start it. However, I made the mistake of glancing at the first couple of pages. First thing I knew about an hour had past and I was well beyond the point where I could stop. I had heard this book compared to “Twilight” and Meyer had a nice little blurb on the cover, “A Remarkable Debut”.  Boy was everyone right on the money. This book was so refreshing and though I heard it mentioned that it started slow, I didn’t think so. I can see why others have compared it to “Twilight” as it left me with a feeling of total satisfaction when I finished it (gleefully knowing that there were to be 4 books in this series). While I’d have loved it to have been the length of “Twilight”, I have the satisfaction of knowing that book 2, “Spells”, is on its way to me as we speak and “Illusions” is due out May of 2011. Pike’s modern mythology of faeries was fascinating and a joy to watch unfold. I do hope we find out more about the faeries history as the next book unfolds but again the characters, the world building and the action within the story was an awesome thing to behold.

1. Wings (2009)
2. Spells (2010)
3. Illiusions (2011)


  1. Wings really was amazing, but once you get your hands on spells read it immediately, i felt so much juicier than wings. The author does not miss a beat with starting right away. You will be swept into Laurels world and wont want a ticket out!

  2. I've been meaning to read this book for a long time now. I really hope to get a copy soon.


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